
Supriya Chaudhuri

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Indian academic

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Why Is Supriya Chaudhuri Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Supriya Chaudhuri is an Indian scholar of English literature. She is Professor Emerita at Kolkata's Jadavpur University. Biography She was born in Delhi, India and grew up in Europe and India. She was educated at South Point High School, Presidency College, Calcutta and then University of Oxford, where she was a State Scholar from 1973 to 1975, taking a First in English. After serving a few years at Presidency as Assistant Professor of English, she returned to Oxford on an Inlaks Scholarship for doctoral research in Renaissance Studies. She was awarded D.Phil. in 1981. She joined the faculty of Jadavpur University after having taught at Presidency College and Calcutta University. She was in charge of the UGC funded research programme of the university's English Department. Her scholarship ranges over many fields, notably literary theory, 18th century British literature, modernism, and the Renaissance. She specializes in the history of ideas.

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Supriya Chaudhuri's Published Works

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