
Suranga Nanayakkara

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Suranga Nanayakkara's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Suranga Nanayakkara Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Suranga Nanayakkara is a Sri Lankan born computer scientist and inventor. , he is the director of Augmented Human Lab and associate professor at the National University of Singapore. Before moving to Auckland in 2018, he was an assistant professor at Singapore University of Technology and Design. He is best known for his work on FingerReader and Haptic Chair. His research interests include Wearable Computing, Assistive Technology, Ubiquitous computing, AI, Collective intelligence and Robotics. MIT Technology Review honored Nanayakkara as one of the Innovators Under 35 for Asia Pacific Region 2014.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Suranga Nanayakkara?

Suranga Nanayakkara is affiliated with the following schools: