
Svetlana Geier

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Russian translator

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According to Wikipedia, Svetlana Geier, born Svetlana Michailovna Ivanova, was a literary translator who translated from her native Russian into German. She lived in Germany from 1943 until her death in 2010. Biography Svetlana Geier was born in Kiev in 1923, the daughter of Russian parents. Her father was a scientist with a specialty in plant breeding. Her mother came from a family of Tsarist officers. Her father was arrested in 1938 during the period of Stalin's Great Purge, and died in 1939 from illnesses stemming from his time in prison. Geier had a sheltered childhood, receiving private tuition in both France and Germany early in her life. In 1941, the year the German army invaded the Soviet Union, she passed her school exams with excellent grades, and was accepted as a student at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the Faculty of West European languages. There she also worked as a translator for the Institute of Geology.

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