
Taravat Talepasand

Most Influential Person Now

Iranian American artist and educator

Taravat Talepasand's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

Taravat Talepasand
Computer Science
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computer-science Degrees
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  • Computer Science

Why Is Taravat Talepasand Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Taravat Talepasand is an Iranian-American contemporary artist, activist, and educator. She is known for her interdisciplinary painting practice including drawing, sculpture and installation. As an Iranian-American woman, Talepasand explores the cultural taboos that reflect on gender and political authority. Her approach to representation and figuration reflects the cross-pollination, or lack thereof, in our Western Society. Talepasand previously held the title of the chair of the painting department at San Francisco Art Institute . She is a Tenure-Track professor in Art Practice at Portland State University, College of Art + Design.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Taravat Talepasand?

Taravat Talepasand is affiliated with the following schools: