
Theodore B. Fernald

Most Influential Person Now

Linguist, Navajo language specialist

Theodore B. Fernald's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Theodore B. Fernald Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Theodore B. Fernald is a linguist and the chair of the Department of Linguistics at Swarthmore College. He is a specialist in semantics and the Navajo language. As of 2012, he was collaborating with Ellavina Perkins under the auspices of Swarthmore and the Navajo Language Academy to produce a reference grammar of Navajo, a project which has received a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. He has also served as vice-chair of the Navajo Language Academy.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Theodore B. Fernald?

Theodore B. Fernald is affiliated with the following schools: