Thomas Ollendick
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Thomas Ollendick's Degrees
- PhD Clinical Psychology University of Georgia
- Masters Clinical Psychology University of Georgia
Why Is Thomas Ollendick Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Thomas Hubert Ollendick is an American psychologist known for his work in clinical child and adolescent psychology and cognitive behavior therapy with children. From 1999 to the present, he has been a University Distinguished Professor of psychology at Virginia Tech, and the Director of their Child Study Center.
Thomas Ollendick's Published Works
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Published Works
- Empirically supported psychological interventions: controversies and evidence. (2001) (2000)
- Anxiety in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. (2009) (1241)
- Reliability and validity of the Revised Fear Surgery Schedule for Children (FSSC-R). (1983) (962)
- The Developmental Psychopathology of Anxiety (2001) (652)
- Evidence-Based Assessment of Anxiety and Its Disorders in Children and Adolescents (2005) (549)
- Three traditional and three new childhood anxiety questionnaires: their reliability and validity in a normal adolescent sample. (2002) (506)
- Multiple informant agreement and the anxiety disorders interview schedule for parents and children. (2003) (462)
- The Role of Temperament in the Etiology of Child Psychopathology (2005) (454)
- Concurrent Validity and Informant Agreement of the ADHD Module of the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV (2007) (429)
- Validity of the age-of-onset criterion for ADHD: a report from the DSM-IV field trials. (1997) (397)
- Treating sexually abused children with posttraumatic stress symptoms: a randomized clinical trial. (2000) (373)
- Issues in Parent-Child Agreement: The Case of Structured Diagnostic Interviews (2002) (372)
- Sociometric status and academic, behavioral, and psychological adjustment: a five-year longitudinal study. (1992) (369)
- Fears in children and adolescents: reliability and generalizability across gender, age and nationality. (1989) (363)
- Empirically supported treatments for children with phobic and anxiety disorders: current status. (1998) (356)
- Long-Term Outcomes of an Australian Universal Prevention Trial of Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in Children and Youth: An Evaluation of the Friends Program (2006) (350)
- Peer Victimization, Global Self-Worth, and Anxiety in Middle School Children (2002) (336)
- The developmental psychopathology of social anxiety disorder (2002) (335)
- Negative Body Image and Disordered Eating Behavior in Children and Adolescents: What Places Youth at Risk and How Can These Problems be Prevented? (2003) (308)
- The Comorbidity of Conduct Problems and Depression in Childhood and Adolescence (2006) (303)
- A conceptual review of the comorbidity of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and anxiety: implications for future research and practice. (2008) (277)
- DSM-IV field trials for the disruptive behavior disorders: symptom utility estimates. (1994) (274)
- Randomized Controlled Trial: Multimodal Anxiety and Social Skill Intervention for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (2013) (272)
- One-session treatment of specific phobias in youth: a randomized clinical trial in the United States and Sweden. (2009) (268)
- Cognitive-behavioral treatment of school-refusing children: a controlled evaluation. (1998) (266)
- International handbook of phobic and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents (1994) (263)
- College students on the autism spectrum (2011) (262)
- Comorbidity of Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents: An Integrative Review (1998) (260)
- Fears in children and adolescents: normative data. (1985) (235)
- Comorbidity as a predictor and moderator of treatment outcome in youth with anxiety, affective, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and oppositional/conduct disorders. (2008) (228)
- Diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of internalizing problems in children: the role of longitudinal data. (1994) (219)
- Phobic and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents (2004) (216)
- Cognitive behavioral therapy for 4- to 7-year-old children with anxiety disorders: a randomized clinical trial. (2010) (216)
- The Utility of Measures of Child and Adolescent Anxiety: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale, the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, and the Child Behavior Checklist (2004) (214)
- Origins of childhood fears: an evaluation of Rachman's theory of fear acquisition. (1991) (209)
- Specific phobia: a review of DSM‐IV specific phobia and preliminary recommendations for DSM‐V (2010) (203)
- Fears in American, Australian, Chinese, and Nigerian children and adolescents: a cross-cultural study. (1996) (199)
- Development of a Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention Program to Treat Anxiety and Social Deficits in Teens with High-Functioning Autism (2010) (199)
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders in youth. (2011) (198)
- Prevention of anxiety symptoms in children: results from a universal school-based trial. (2012) (196)
- Social-cognitive, physiological, and neural mechanisms underlying emotion regulation impairments: understanding anxiety in autism spectrum disorder (2014) (188)
- Fears in British children and their relationship to manifest anxiety and depression. (1991) (180)
- Fears and Phobias in Children: Phenomenology, Epidemiology, and Aetiology (2002) (180)
- Fears in Chinese children and adolescents and their relations to anxiety and depression. (1994) (173)
- Parental Emotion Coaching and Child Emotion Regulation as Protective Factors for Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. (2013) (169)
- Test Anxiety: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (2005) (169)
- What About the Girls? Sex-Based Differences in Autistic Traits and Adaptive Skills (2018) (168)
- Children's Phobias: A Behavioural Perspective (1988) (165)
- Prevalence of Anxiety and Depression in Australian Adolescents: Comparisons with Worldwide Data (2000) (164)
- Empirically Supported Treatments for Specific Phobia in Children: Do Efficacious Treatments Address the Components of a Phobic Response? (2006) (160)
- Evaluation of child therapy and caregiver training in the treatment of school refusal. (2002) (160)
- Depression in British and American children and its relation to anxiety and fear. (1990) (159)
- The Role of Emotion Regulation in the Treatment of Child Anxiety Disorders (2007) (159)
- Advancing psychotherapy and evidence‐based psychological interventions (2014) (155)
- Fears of children and adolescents: a cross-sectional Australian study using the Revised-Fear Survey Schedule for Children. (1989) (152)
- Handbook of child and adolescent assessment (1993) (152)
- Clinical child and family psychology review (1998) (151)
- Empirically supported treatments for children and adolescents. (2006) (135)
- Preliminary Efficacy of a Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Anxious Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders (2009) (135)
- Children's nighttime fears: parent-child ratings of frequency, content, origins, coping behaviors and severity. (2001) (127)
- Post-traumatic stress in children following motor vehicle accidents. (2002) (127)
- Etiology of childhood phobias: current status of Rachman's three pathways theory. (1998) (126)
- Brief, intensive and concentrated cognitive behavioral treatments for anxiety disorders in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2017) (125)
- Negative affectivity in children and adolescents: Relations between anxiety and depression (1991) (122)
- Dental anxiety: An understudied problem in youth. (2017) (122)
- Children Who are Anxious in Silence: A Review on Selective Mutism, the New Anxiety Disorder in DSM-5 (2015) (116)
- Self-Regulation Deficits Explain the Link between Reactive Aggression and Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Children (2013) (116)
- Psychometric properties of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire from five European countries (2012) (115)
- A longitudinal examination of factors predicting anxiety during the transition to middle school (2010) (112)
- Prevalence of bulimia in working and university women. (1985) (109)
- The Development of Anxiety Disorders: Considering the Contributions of Attachment and Emotion Regulation (2012) (109)
- Cognitive behavioral treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia in adolescents: A multiple baseline design analysis (1995) (107)
- Developmental Issues in the Clinical Treatment of Children (1998) (106)
- Social skills training for juvenile delinquents. (1979) (105)
- School Refusal: Assessment and Treatment (1995) (104)
- Fear Reduction Techniques with Children (1979) (104)
- A Cross-Cultural and Developmental Analysis of Self-Esteem in Chinese and Western Children (2001) (103)
- Children’s Anxiety and Phobic Disorders in School Settings: Classification, Assessment, and Intervention Issues (1989) (101)
- A Parent–Child Interactional Model of Social Anxiety Disorder in Youth (2012) (101)
- The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of the treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety (2013) (99)
- Annual research review: conceptualising functional impairment in children and adolescents. (2012) (99)
- Intensive Treatment of Specific Phobias in Children and Adolescents. (2009) (94)
- Clinical behavior therapy with children (1981) (92)
- Anxiety in youth with and without autism spectrum disorder: examination of factorial equivalence. (2015) (91)
- Fear of the beast: a prospective study on the effects of negative information on childhood fear. (2003) (91)
- Increasing spelling achievement: an analysis of treatment procedures utilizing an alternating treatments design. (1980) (91)
- Setting the research and practice agenda for anxiety in children and adolescence: A topic comes of age (2004) (91)
- Comorbidity of Anxiety and Conduct Problems in Children: Implications for Clinical Research and Practice (2010) (89)
- Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and injury: the moderating role of perceived social support and coping for young adults (2007) (88)
- Specific phobias in youth: a randomized controlled trial comparing one-session treatment to a parent-augmented one-session treatment. (2015) (87)
- Fears and their level of interference in adolescents. (1994) (87)
- Role taking and social competence in autism and mental retardation (1989) (86)
- Psychopathology and cognition in adolescents experiencing severe test anxiety (1995) (86)
- Panic in children and adolescents: a review. (1994) (85)
- Posttraumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents (1993) (84)
- Handbook of psychotherapies with children and families (1999) (84)
- Psychometric properties of the Spence Child Anxiety Scale with adolescents from five European countries. (2011) (84)
- The predictive validity of teacher nominations: A five-year followup of at-risk youth (1990) (82)
- Parent Management Training and Collaborative & Proactive Solutions: A Randomized Control Trial for Oppositional Youth (2016) (82)
- DSM-defined anxiety disorders symptoms in South African youths: Their assessment and relationship with perceived parental rearing behaviors. (2006) (82)
- Examining Shared and Unique Aspects of Social Anxiety Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Factor Analysis (2012) (81)
- Self-Reported Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: A Three-Year Follow-Up Study (2001) (80)
- Cognitive Change and Enhanced Coping: Missing Mediational Links in Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Anxiety-Disordered Children (2003) (80)
- Cross-cultural aspects of fears in African children and adolescents. (1999) (78)
- Comorbidity in youth with specific phobias: Impact of comorbidity on treatment outcome and the impact of treatment on comorbid disorders. (2010) (77)
- The etiology of specific fears and phobias in children: a critique of the non-associative account. (2002) (77)
- Empirically Supported Treatments for Children and Adolescents: Advances Toward Evidence-Based Practice (2007) (76)
- An examination of the validity of social subtypes in Autism (1994) (75)
- Only children and children with siblings in the People's Republic of China: levels of fear, anxiety, and depression. (1995) (74)
- Intensive one-session treatment of specific phobias (2012) (73)
- Child Behavioral Assessment: Principles and Procedures (1992) (72)
- Comorbidity and treatment response in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder: A pilot study of group cognitive-behavioral treatment (2012) (71)
- A longitudinal study of emotion regulation and anxiety in middle childhood: Associations with frontal EEG asymmetry in early childhood. (2010) (70)
- Co-occurrence of ODD and Anxiety: Shared Risk Processes and Evidence for a Dual-Pathway Model. (2010) (70)
- Treatment of comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and anxiety in children: a multiple baseline design analysis. (2012) (69)
- Anxiety symptoms in African-American and Caucasian youth: relations to negative life events, social support, and coping. (2012) (69)
- What is the Revised Fear Survey Schedule for Children measuring? (2002) (67)
- Research on the cognitive-behavioral treatment of school refusal: a review and recommendations. (2000) (64)
- Community violence exposure in a young adult sample: III. Psychophysiology and victimization interact to affect risk for aggression (2003) (64)
- Intellectual Ability and Achievement in Anxiety-Disordered Children: A Clarification and Extension of the Literature (2008) (64)
- Does the Presence of Anxiety and ADHD Symptoms Add to Social Impairment in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder? (2017) (63)
- Characteristics of Children With ADHD and Comorbid Anxiety (2016) (63)
- Cognitive-behavior therapy with nighttime fearful children. (1991) (62)
- Behavioral Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Phobias (1988) (62)
- One-Session Treatment for Specific Phobias: A Review of Öst's Single-Session Exposure with Children and Adolescents (2013) (61)
- Development of clinical practice guidelines. (2014) (60)
- Reexamination of the MASC factor structure and discriminant ability in a mixed clinical outpatient sample (2008) (60)
- Applying developmental theory to the assessment and treatment of childhood disorders: does it make a difference? (2001) (60)
- Augmenting one-session treatment of children's specific phobias with attention training to positive stimuli. (2014) (60)
- Fear in children and adolescents: relations with negative life events, attributional style, and avoidant coping. (2001) (60)
- Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents: A Factor-Analytic Examination of the Tripartite Model (2003) (60)
- Issues in toilet training normal children (1977) (60)
- The assessment of contemporary fears in adolescents using a modified version of the Fear Survey Schedule for Children-Revised. (2002) (57)
- Self-reports of panic attacks and manifest anxiety in adolescents. (1993) (57)
- Treatment of children's nighttime fears: the need for a modern randomised controlled trial. (2007) (57)
- Perceptions of fear in other Children and adolescents: The role of gender and friendship status (1995) (57)
- The psychological impact from hurricane Katrina: effects of displacement and trauma exposure on university students. (2010) (56)
- Specific phobia in youth: phenomenology and psychological characteristics. (2010) (56)
- The Youth Anxiety Measure for DSM-5 (YAM-5): Development and First Psychometric Evidence of a New Scale for Assessing Anxiety Disorders Symptoms of Children and Adolescents (2016) (56)
- Social Anxiety Predicts Aggression in Children with ASD: Clinical Comparisons with Socially Anxious and Oppositional Youth (2013) (56)
- Childhood Fears and Phobias: Assessment and Treatment. (2005) (55)
- Expanded School Mental Health Services: Assessing Needs Related to School Level and Geography (2000) (55)
- Handbook of Child Psychopathology (2012) (55)
- Nighttime fears of children and adolescents: frequency, content, severity, harm expectations, disclosure, and coping behaviours. (2007) (54)
- Cognitive-Behavioral Treatments for Anxiety and Phobic Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Review (2005) (53)
- Emotion Socialization in the Context of Risk and Psychopathology: Maternal Emotion Coaching Predicts Better Treatment Outcomes for Emotionally Labile Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. (2016) (51)
- The Role of Attachment Representation in the Relationship Between Depressive Symptomatology and Social Withdrawal in Middle Childhood (2006) (51)
- Self-Monitoring and Self-Administered Overcorrection (1981) (51)
- Developmental theory and the practice of clinical child psychology. (1999) (51)
- Evaluation of a multidimensional program for sixth‐graders in transition from elementary to middle school (1993) (50)
- Children's Cognitive Responses to the Somatic Symptoms of Panic (1997) (50)
- Social Learning Constructs in the Prediction of Peer Interaction (1987) (50)
- Manifest anxiety and fearfulness in children and adolescents. (1992) (50)
- Anxiety and oppositional defiant disorder: a transdiagnostic conceptualization. (2013) (49)
- Fears in clinic-referred children: relations with child anxiety sensitivity, maternal overcontrol, and maternal phobic anxiety. (2007) (49)
- Behavioral inhibition and test anxiety: An empirical investigation of Gray's theory☆ (1994) (48)
- Validity of Teacher Nomination in Identifying Aggressive, Withdrawn, and Popular Children (1989) (47)
- Sociometric status: its stability and validity among neglected, rejected and popular children. (1991) (47)
- Mothers’ mental distress and parenting practices with infants and toddlers (2005) (47)
- Specific Phobias in Children (1997) (46)
- Panic disorder in children and adolescents: new developments, new directions. (1998) (46)
- Treating nighttime fears in young children with bibliotherapy: evaluating anxiety symptoms and monitoring behavior change. (2015) (46)
- The Presentation and Classification of Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Where to From Here? (2012) (45)
- Clinical handbook of assessing and treating conduct problems in youth (2011) (45)
- The need for a behavioural science focus in research on mental health and mental disorders (2014) (44)
- Exploring Child and Parent Factors in the Diagnostic Agreement on the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule (2008) (44)
- Overcorrection: An overview (1978) (44)
- Does anxiety mitigate the behavioral expression of severe conduct disorder in delinquent youths? (1999) (44)
- Test anxiety in Indian children: A cross-cultural perspective (2008) (43)
- Integrating video-feedback and cognitive preparation, social skills training and behavioural activation in a cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of childhood anxiety. (2014) (43)
- The etiology of childhood dog phobia. (1997) (43)
- Attention training in socially anxious children: a multiple baseline design analysis. (2011) (42)
- Children's nighttime fears. (1997) (42)
- A comparison of physical restraint and positive practice overcorrection in treating stereotypic behavior (1980) (42)
- Operant conditioning influences in childhood anxiety (2001) (42)
- A comparison of punishment and DRO procedures for treating stereotypic behavior of mentally retarded children. (1981) (41)
- Empirically supported treatments for children and adolescents: Where to from here? (2006) (41)
- International consensus on a standard set of outcome measures for child and youth anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. (2021) (41)
- Treatment of Specific Phobia in Children and Adolescents (2007) (40)
- Psychobiological Mechanisms of Aggression in Youth (2006) (40)
- Empirical selection of psychosocial treatment targets for children and adolescents with diabetes. (1993) (40)
- Anxiety moderates the influence of ASD severity on quality of life in adults with ASD (2019) (40)
- Developmentally Sensitive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent School Refusal: Rationale and Case Illustration (2013) (39)
- Consequences of Divorce on the Adjustment of Children in China (2002) (39)
- Perceived Control, Family Environment, and the Etiology of Child Anxiety-Revisited. (2016) (39)
- The facets of anxiety sensitivity in adolescents. (2010) (39)
- Assessment of social interaction skills in school children. (1981) (39)
- Handbook of autism and anxiety (2014) (39)
- Assessing the fears of children with disability using the Revised Fear Survey Schedule for Children: a comparative study. (1994) (38)
- Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Adolescents With Social Anxiety Disorder. (2019) (38)
- Personal Space, Sex of Experimenter, and Locus of Control in Normal and Delinquent Adolescents (1976) (38)
- Psychosocial and Computer-Assisted Intervention for College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Preliminary Support for Feasibility. (2016) (37)
- Clinical Decision Making About Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders Using the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (2014) (37)
- Comorbid ADHD: Implications for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents (2014) (37)
- Elaborative and behavioral rehearsal in the acquisition of fire emergency skills and the reduction of fear of fire (1989) (37)
- Brief intensive CBT for pediatric OCD with E-therapy maintenance. (2016) (36)
- Treatment programs for severe night-time fears: a methodological note. (1989) (36)
- Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment of School-Refusing Children: Maintenance of improvement at 3- to 5-year follow-up (2001) (36)
- Fears in visually-impaired and normally-sighted youths. (1985) (36)
- Vicarious reinforcement: Expected and unexpected effects. (1983) (35)
- Intensive group behavioral treatment (IGBT) for children with selective mutism: A preliminary randomized clinical trial. (2019) (34)
- Assessment of childhood phobias. (1997) (34)
- Test Anxiety in Children and Adolescents (1991) (34)
- The tripartite model of fear in children with specific phobias: assessing concordance and discordance using the behavioral approach test. (2011) (33)
- Annotation: Treatment of Childhood Phobias (1997) (33)
- Developmental outcome research (1999) (32)
- Sensitivity shift theory: A developmental model of positive affect and motivational deficits in social anxiety disorder. (2019) (32)
- All in the Family: A Systematic Review of the Effect of Caregiver-Administered Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions on Family Functioning and Relationships (2019) (32)
- Violence in Youth: Where Do We Go From Here? Behavior Therapy's Response (1996) (32)
- Development and validation of the children's assertiveness inventory (1984) (31)
- Test Note: Reliability of the Fear Survey Schedule for Children – Revised (1992) (31)
- Fears in Children and Adolescents With Chronic Medical Conditions (1990) (31)
- Treatment Outcomes in Anxious Youth with and without Comorbid ADHD in the CAMS (2015) (31)
- Effectiveness of hand overcorrection for topographically similar and dissimilar self-stimulatory behavior. (1978) (30)
- Spatiotemporal dissociation of brain activity underlying threat and reward in social anxiety disorder (2016) (30)
- Sleep, Internalizing Problems, and Social Withdrawal: Unique Associations in Clinic-Referred Youth With Elevated Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Symptoms (2020) (30)
- Effects of Verbal Ability and Severity of Autism on Anxiety in Adolescents With ASD: One-Year Follow-Up After Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (2015) (30)
- Sexually Abused Children Suffering From Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Assessment and Treatment Strategies (2003) (30)
- School Refusal: Graduated and Rapid Behavioural Treatment Strategies (1989) (30)
- One session treatment for pediatric blood-injection-injury phobia: A controlled multiple baseline trial. (2015) (30)
- The Scientific Legacy of Little Hans and Little Albert: Future Directions for Research on Specific Phobias in Youth (2015) (30)
- Underidentification of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Females: A Case Series Illustrating the Unique Presentation of this Disorder in Young Women (2013) (29)
- Characterizing time in longitudinal trauma research. (2006) (29)
- Empirically validated treatments in clinical psychology (1998) (29)
- The Interaction Between Child Behavioral Inhibition and Parenting Behaviors: Effects on Internalizing and Externalizing Symptomology (2018) (29)
- Nonclinical panic attacks in late adolescence prevalence and associated psychopathology. (2002) (29)
- Social anxiety disorder in children and youth: A research update on aetiological factors (2006) (29)
- Test-Retest Reliability of the Survey Form of the Leyton Obsessional Inventory-Child Version (1995) (28)
- Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders (2008) (28)
- An analysis of self-assessment and self-reinforcement in a self-managed token economy with mentally retarded children. (1980) (28)
- Do Therapies Designated as Empirically Supported Treatments for Specific Disorders Produce Outcomes Superior to Non-Empirically Supported Treatment Therapies? (2006) (27)
- One-Session Treatment of Specific Phobias in Children: Recent Developments and a Systematic Review. (2019) (27)
- Direct, observational, and generalization effects of social skills training with emotionally disturbed children (1980) (27)
- Treatment of a bodily injury phobia with implosive therapy. (1972) (27)
- Encyclopedia of Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology (2012) (26)
- Moderators and mediators of youth treatment outcomes (2015) (26)
- Does comorbidity predict poorer treatment outcome in pediatric anxiety disorders? An updated 10-year review. (2017) (26)
- Prediction of Child Performance on a Parent–Child Behavioral Approach Test With Animal Phobic Children (2012) (26)
- Evaluating the real-world effectiveness of a cognitive behavior therapy-based transdiagnostic program for emotional problems in children in a regular school setting. (2019) (26)
- Test Anxiety in Girls and Boys: A Clinical—Developmental Analysis (1996) (26)
- Variations in a construct: quantitative and qualitative differences in children's locus of control. (1978) (26)
- Discrepancies between Verbal and Performance IQS and Subtest Scatter on the Wisc-R for Juvenile Delinquents (1979) (25)
- Test-anxious Children and Adolescents: Psychopathology, Cognition, and Psychophysiological Reactivity (2000) (25)
- Development and initial validation of the Child Disgust Scale. (2015) (25)
- Child behavioral assessment and cognitive-behavioral interventions in schools (1999) (25)
- Long-term outcomes of brief, intensive CBT for specific phobias: The negative impact of ADHD symptoms. (2016) (25)
- Family/media approach to HIV prevention: results with a home-based, parent-teen video program. (1992) (25)
- Child and adolescent behavioral assessment. (1993) (24)
- The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (2018) (24)
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Younger and Older Children: Implications for Learning and School Functioning (2015) (24)
- School refusal: categorical diagnoses, functional analysis and treatment planning (2001) (24)
- Clinical Correlates of Comorbid Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder and Depression in Youth (2010) (24)
- Nonclinical Panic Attacks in Adolescents: Prevalence, Symptomatology, and Associated Features (1996) (24)
- Utility of relaxation training with children in school settings: a plea for realistic goal setting and evaluation. (1998) (23)
- Child and Adolescent Resiliency Following a Residential Fire: The Role of Social Support and Ethnicity (2014) (23)
- Childhood-Onset Panic Disorder (2004) (22)
- Behavioral inhibition and anxiety sensitivity: A reanalysis (1996) (22)
- Perceived Competence and Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents: The Moderating Role of Attributional Style (2012) (22)
- Construction and validation of the South African version of the Fear Survey Schedule for Children: an exploratory factor analysis. (2012) (22)
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents. (2017) (22)
- Reducing stereotypic behaviors: An analysis of treatment procedures utilizing an alternating treatments design (1981) (22)
- The stability and prediction of fears in Chinese children and adolescents: a one-year follow-up. (1995) (21)
- Evidence-Based Assessment of ADHD in Youth Using a Receiver Operating Characteristic Approach (2018) (21)
- Individual and Psychosocial Risk Factors (2003) (21)
- Diagnosing Oppositional Defiant Disorder Using the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV: Parent Version and the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (2012) (21)
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Japanese Children and Adolescents with Anxiety Disorders: A Pilot Study (2012) (21)
- One session treatment for specific phobias in children: Comorbid anxiety disorders and treatment outcome. (2017) (21)
- Differential effectiveness of muscular and cognitive relaxation as a function of locus of control (1977) (21)
- Toward the Empirical Validation of Treatment Targets in Children (1991) (20)
- School Refusal: An Overview (1998) (20)
- Risk Factors for Psychological Adjustment Following Residential Fire: The Role of Avoidant Coping (2005) (20)
- Attention Problems as a Mediator of the Relation between Executive Function and Social Problems in a Child and Adolescent Outpatient Sample (2017) (20)
- Parental and Familial Predictors and Moderators of Parent Management Treatment Programs for Conduct Problems in Youth (2020) (20)
- Synchrony-desynchrony in the tripartite model of fear: Predicting treatment outcome in clinically phobic children. (2015) (20)
- A comprehensive dining program for mentally retarded adults. (1980) (20)
- Brief treatment for nighttime fears and co-sleeping problems: A randomized clinical trial. (2018) (20)
- Effects of vicarious reinforcement in normal and severely disturbed children. (1982) (19)
- The fear survey schedule for children — ii (fssc-ii): Validity data as a treatment outcome measure (2000) (19)
- COVID-19 remote learning experiences of youth with neurodevelopmental disorders in rural Appalachia. (2021) (19)
- Technique Factors in Treating Anxiety Disorders (2005) (19)
- One Session Treatment for Specific Phobias: An Adaptation for Paediatric Blood–Injection–Injury Phobia in Youth (2015) (19)
- Innovations in the psychosocial treatment of youth with anxiety disorders: implications for a stepped care approach (2018) (18)
- Conduct Problems in Youth: Phenomenology, Classification, and Epidemiology (2011) (18)
- A preliminary report of the prediction of bulimic behaviors: A social learning analysis. (1985) (18)
- Childhood anxiety disorders and depression: Phenomenology, comorbidity, and intervention issues (1990) (18)
- D‐cycloserine‐augmented one‐session treatment of specific phobias in children and adolescents (2018) (18)
- Advances toward evidence-based practice: where to from here? (2014) (18)
- An Initial Investigation into the Parameters of Overcorrection (1976) (18)
- Reactive and Proactive Aggression: Cross-informant Agreement and the Clinical Utility of Different Informants (2009) (18)
- Perceived Parent–Child Relations, Conduct Problems, and Clinical Improvement Following the Treatment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (2016) (18)
- School-Related Fears of Children and Adolescents (1990) (17)
- Childhood Fears and Phobias: Advances in Assessment and Treatment (2005) (17)
- Behavioral Treatment of Anexoria Nervosa (1979) (17)
- Is Family Expressiveness as Reported by Mothers and Fathers Related to Children’s Social Anxiety Symptoms? (2010) (17)
- Sluggish Cognitive Tempo in Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, and Their Comorbidity: Implications for Impairment (2020) (17)
- Probability learning in retarded children with differing histories of success and failure in shcool. (1975) (17)
- Locus of control as related to effectiveness in a behavior modification program for juvenile delinquents (1980) (17)
- Consequences of divorce on the adjustment of children in China. (2002) (16)
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Children: An Evaluation of Its Efficacy and Clinical Utility. (1984) (16)
- An examination of vicarious reinforcement processes in children (1984) (15)
- Clinical Interventions with Children and Adolescents: Current Status, Future Directions (2010) (15)
- A new self-report assessment measure of social phobia/anxiety in children: the Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Children (SAQ-C24) (2012) (15)
- Social Cognition and Social Anxiety Among Icelandic Schoolchildren (2007) (15)
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- Profiles of Temperament among Youth with Specific Phobias: Implications for CBT Outcomes (2017) (4)
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- A 25-Year Review of Nighttime Fears in Children: Past, Present, and Future (2021) (4)
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- Book Reviews (1986) (0)
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder in Youth: Are They Distinguishable? (2013) (0)
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- Adaptation of One-Session Treatment for Specific Phobias for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using a Non-concurrent Multiple Baseline Design: A Preliminary Investigation (2020) (0)
- Relations of Anxiety Sensitivity, Control Beliefs, and Maternal Over-Control to Fears in Clinic-Referred Children with Specific Phobia (2014) (0)
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- Parent–Child Synchrony in Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Associations with Treatment Outcomes (2015) (0)
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- Primary Versus Secondary Diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Youth: Is the Distinction an Important One? (2015) (0)
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- The Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Children: Cross-Cultural Assessment with a New Self-Report Measure (2016) (0)
- To parent or not to parent: That is not the question. (2008) (0)
- Children's Assertiveness Inventory (2014) (0)
- Impaired Fear Recognition and Social Anxiety Symptoms in Adolescence (2016) (0)
- The Life and Times of AABT / ABCT : An Organizational Memoir (2008) (0)
- Book review (1988) (0)
- The Youth Anxiety Measure for DSM-5 (YAM-5): Development and First Psychometric Evidence of a New Scale for Assessing Anxiety Disorders Symptoms of Children and Adolescents (2016) (0)
- Attention Problems as a Mediator of the Relation between Executive Function and Social Problems in a Child and Adolescent Outpatient Sample (2016) (0)
- List of contributors (2020) (0)
- Perceived Driving Difficulty, Negative Affect, and Emotion Dysregulation in Self-Identified Autistic Emerging Drivers (2022) (0)
- Randomized Controlled Trial: Multimodal Anxiety and Social Skill Intervention for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (2012) (0)
- Other Operant Procedures (1981) (0)
- Increasing the Efficiency of Diagnostic Interviews for Childhood Anxiety Disorders Through Joint Child-Parent Administration (2022) (0)
- Parents’ Perceptions of Novel Treatments for Child and Adolescent Specific Phobia and Anxiety Disorders (2015) (0)
- Clinician Improvement Rating Forms (2015) (0)
- List of Contributors (2019) (0)
- Systematic Desensitization, Implosion, and Flooding (1981) (0)
- Basic Operant Procedures (1981) (0)
- Treating Obsessions With Competitive Memory Training: A Pilot Study (2008) (0)
- Perceived Competence and Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents: The Moderating Role of Attributional Style (2012) (0)
- The Impact of Birth Order on Language Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Simplex Families (2021) (0)
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Younger and Older Children: Implications for Learning and School Functioning (2014) (0)
- The Influence of Social Communication Impairments on Gaze in Adolescents with Social Anxiety Disorder (2018) (0)
- Screening for Adolescent Social Anxiety: Psychometric Properties of the Severity Measure for Social Anxiety Disorder (2021) (0)
- Where to From Here (2006) (0)
- Internalising Disorders of Children and Adolescents: An Introduction (1996) (0)
- Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Children (2018) (0)
- The Interaction Between Child Behavioral Inhibition and Parenting Behaviors: Effects on Internalizing and Externalizing Symptomology (2018) (0)
- A Pilot Study of One-Session Treatment for Specific Phobias in Children with ASD Traits (2019) (0)
- Expressive language in infancy and toddlerhood: The roles of child temperament and maternal parenting behaviors (2022) (0)
- 5-year follow-up of adolescents with social anxiety disorder: Current functioning during COVID-19 (2023) (0)
- Operant Reductive Procedures (1981) (0)
- Preparing Women in Academic Psychology for Their First Compensation Negotiation: A Panel Perspective of Challenges & Recommendations (2019) (0)
- Co-Occurring Conduct Problems and Anxiety: Implications for the Functioning and Treatment of Youth with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (2023) (0)
- Developmental Psychopathology: Promises and Pitfalls. (1992) (0)
- Parent and Child Treatment Satisfaction Scales (2015) (0)
- Child psychopathology: A time for critical self-analysis. (1988) (0)
- Reduction Of Risk Factors For Acl Re-injuries Using An Innovative Biofeedback Approach: A Randomized Clinical Trial (2021) (0)
- Modeling and Social Skills Training (1981) (0)
- Spence Child Anxiety Scale--Translated (2017) (0)
- Epilogue: Future Directions in Research and Practice (2011) (0)
- Community belongingness during COVID-19 predicts anxiety and depression treatment change in college students (2022) (0)
- Siblings in review. (1991) (0)
- An Ounce of Prevention: Building resilience and targeting anxiety in young children (2022) (0)
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- Association between fears and behavior/ emotional problems in toddlers and preschoolers (2022) (0)
- Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Recent Developments and Issues. (1996) (0)
- Diagnosing Oppositional Defiant Disorder Using the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV: Parent Version and the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (2012) (0)
- FAST CBT for pediatric OCD: A multiple-baseline controlled pilot trial of parent training in exposure and response prevention delivered via telehealth (2022) (0)
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