
Tihomir Đorđević

Most Influential Person Across History

Serbian ethnologist

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Tihomir Đorđević
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Tihomir Đorđević's Degrees

Why Is Tihomir Đorđević Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Tihomir Đorđević was a Serbian ethnologist, folklorist, cultural historian and professor at the University of Belgrade. Biography He received his B.A. in History and Philology at the Grandes écoles in Belgrade. He pursued his post-graduate studies in Vienna and Munich, where he received his doctorate in 1902. Among the Munich alumnae were Miloje Vasić, Veselin Čajkanović and Dragutin Anastasijević, his contemporaries.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Tihomir Đorđević?

Tihomir Đorđević is affiliated with the following schools: