
Tomas Andres

Most Influential Person Now

Filipino intercultural consultant

Why Is Tomas Andres Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Tomas Quintin Donato Andres is a Filipino intercultural consultant, counselor, and pioneer of the Philippine-based management and training system known as Management by Filipino Values. He is also the initiator of the internationally based management and training system known as Management by Humor. Apart from being a professor at the Ateneo de Manila University, he is also the manager and president of the Values and Technologies Management Centre. His Understanding Filipino Values is a book that relates the Filipino value system to the management situation in the Philippines, in order to provide a clearer understanding of those values, concepts and traditions, and to increase productivity and efficiency in business. As an intercultural consultant, Andres conducts crosscultural orientation on Philippine culture for expatriates of multinational and international organizations. Having worked as counselor and consultant in several institutions, Andres was an adviser and a crosscultural educator to Filipino seamen and migrant workers in their moments of culture shocks in foreign lands. He is an accomplished author of books about the usage and application of Filipino values in daily living, interpersonal relationships, work, management, and productivity, among others.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Tomas Andres?

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