Tomaso Poggio
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Italian physicist
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Computer Science Physics
Tomaso Poggio's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Genoa
Why Is Tomaso Poggio Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Tomaso Armando Poggio , is the Eugene McDermott professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, an investigator at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and director of both the Center for Biological and Computational Learning at MIT and the Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines, a multi-institutional collaboration headquartered at the McGovern Institute since 2013.
Tomaso Poggio's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Networks for approximation and learning (1990) (3728)
- Hierarchical models of object recognition in cortex (1999) (3443)
- HMDB: A large video database for human motion recognition (2011) (2992)
- Face Recognition: Features Versus Templates (1993) (2873)
- Prediction of central nervous system embryonal tumour outcome based on gene expression (2002) (2421)
- Multiclass cancer diagnosis using tumor gene expression signatures (2001) (2107)
- Example-Based Learning for View-Based Human Face Detection (1998) (2100)
- Robust Object Recognition with Cortex-Like Mechanisms (2007) (1769)
- A general framework for object detection (1998) (1701)
- Computational vision and regularization theory (1985) (1639)
- A Trainable System for Object Detection (2000) (1453)
- Regularization Theory and Neural Networks Architectures (1995) (1432)
- Comparing support vector machines with Gaussian kernels to radial basis function classifiers (1997) (1382)
- Incremental and Decremental Support Vector Machine Learning (2000) (1365)
- Regularization Networks and Support Vector Machines (2000) (1300)
- Cooperative computation of stereo disparity. (1976) (1272)
- On Edge Detection (1984) (1266)
- Regularization Algorithms for Learning That Are Equivalent to Multilayer Networks (1990) (1187)
- Feature Selection for SVMs (2000) (1167)
- Example-Based Object Detection in Images by Components (2001) (1160)
- A computational theory of human stereo vision. (1979) (1109)
- A network that learns to recognize three-dimensional objects (1990) (1035)
- A computational theory of human stereo vision (1979) (1022)
- Categorical representation of visual stimuli in the primate prefrontal cortex. (2001) (1013)
- Shape representation in the inferior temporal cortex of monkeys (1995) (1008)
- Object recognition with features inspired by visual cortex (2005) (993)
- A feedforward architecture accounts for rapid categorization (2007) (969)
- Holographic Embeddings of Knowledge Graphs (2015) (914)
- Cognitive neuroscience: Neural mechanisms for the recognition of biological movements (2003) (895)
- Probabilistic Solution of Ill-Posed Problems in Computational Vision (1987) (887)
- Ill-posed problems in early vision (1988) (877)
- Pedestrian detection using wavelet templates (1997) (853)
- Fast Readout of Object Identity from Macaque Inferior Temporal Cortex (2005) (852)
- A Biologically Inspired System for Action Recognition (2007) (789)
- Extensions of a Theory of Networks for Approximation and Learning (1989) (754)
- Scaling Theorems for Zero Crossings (1987) (736)
- Models of object recognition (2000) (716)
- From Understanding Computation to Understanding Neural Circuitry (1976) (630)
- Networks and the best approximation property (1990) (573)
- Fast perceptual learning in visual hyperacuity. (1991) (558)
- The Mathematics of Learning: Dealing with Data (2005) (553)
- Face recognition with support vector machines: global versus component-based approach (2001) (546)
- A Comparison of Primate Prefrontal and Inferior Temporal Cortices during Visual Categorization (2003) (534)
- Nonlinear interactions in a dendritic tree: localization, timing, and role in information processing. (1983) (516)
- Linear Object Classes and Image Synthesis From a Single Example Image (1997) (478)
- Face recognition: component-based versus global approaches (2003) (472)
- Visual control of orientation behaviour in the fly: Part I. A quantitative analysis (1976) (470)
- Why and when can deep-but not shallow-networks avoid the curse of dimensionality: A review (2016) (470)
- Learning with a Wasserstein Loss (2015) (467)
- Face recognition from one example view (1995) (456)
- Reanimating Faces in Images and Video (2003) (424)
- Motion Field and Optical Flow: Qualitative Properties (1989) (414)
- Retinal ganglion cells: a functional interpretation of dendritic morphology. (1982) (408)
- Neural mechanisms of object recognition (2002) (398)
- Trainable videorealistic speech animation (2002) (397)
- A Theory of Human Stereo Vision (1977) (383)
- The analysis of stereopsis. (1984) (372)
- Generalization in vision and motor control (2004) (347)
- A theory of how the brain might work. (1990) (343)
- View-dependent object recognition by monkeys (1994) (336)
- Dynamic population coding of category information in inferior temporal and prefrontal cortex. (2008) (329)
- A Theory of Object Recognition: Computations and Circuits in the Feedforward Path of the Ventral Stream in Primate Visual Cortex (2005) (325)
- Incorporating prior information in machine learning by creating virtual examples (1998) (322)
- Object Selectivity of Local Field Potentials and Spikes in the Macaque Inferior Temporal Cortex (2006) (317)
- Learning to see (1996) (317)
- Cooperative computation of stereo disparity (1988) (309)
- Image Representations for Visual Learning (1996) (307)
- Deep vs. shallow networks : An approximation theory perspective (2016) (303)
- General conditions for predictivity in learning theory (2004) (287)
- Fast perceptual learning in hyperacuity (1995) (268)
- Everything old is new again: a fresh look at historical approaches in machine learning (2002) (259)
- A quantitative theory of immediate visual recognition. (2007) (259)
- Attentional Selection for Object Recognition - A Gentle Way (2002) (257)
- Vision by man and machine. (1984) (254)
- Automated home-cage behavioural phenotyping of mice. (2010) (253)
- A Component-based Framework for Face Detection and Identification (2007) (243)
- Visual control of orientation behaviour in the fly: Part II. Towards the underlying neural interactions (1976) (242)
- Identification and analysis of alternative splicing events conserved in human and mouse. (2005) (242)
- Bridging the Gaps Between Residual Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks and Visual Cortex (2016) (237)
- A model of V4 shape selectivity and invariance. (2007) (230)
- Visual hyperacuity: spatiotemporal interpolation in human vision (1981) (222)
- Experience-dependent sharpening of visual shape selectivity in inferior temporal cortex. (2005) (219)
- Visual categorization and the primate prefrontal cortex: neurophysiology and behavior. (2002) (218)
- Example Based Image Analysis and Synthesis (1993) (217)
- Face Detection in Still Gray Images (2000) (217)
- Component-based face detection (2001) (215)
- The dynamics of invariant object recognition in the human visual system. (2014) (215)
- Support vector ma-chine classification of microarray data (2000) (211)
- Hierarchical classification and feature reduction for fast face detection with support vector machines (2003) (207)
- What and where: A Bayesian inference theory of attention (2010) (203)
- Recognition and Structure from one 2D Model View: Observations on Prototypes, Object Classes and Symmetries (1992) (201)
- Learning theory: stability is sufficient for generalization and necessary and sufficient for consistency of empirical risk minimization (2006) (197)
- Are Cortical Models Really Bound by the “Binding Problem”? (1999) (197)
- A parallel algorithm for real-time computation of optical flow (1989) (197)
- Trainable pedestrian detection (1999) (193)
- Automated fault detection without seismic processing (2017) (190)
- Computing texture boundaries from images (1988) (189)
- A Contour-Based Moving Object Detection and Tracking (2005) (186)
- A regularized solution to edge detection (1985) (184)
- A theoretical analysis of electrical properties of spines (1983) (179)
- Fisher-Rao Metric, Geometry, and Complexity of Neural Networks (2017) (176)
- A Canonical Neural Circuit for Cortical Nonlinear Operations (2008) (175)
- MikeTalk: a talking facial display based on morphing visemes (1998) (170)
- Parallel integration of vision modules. (1988) (169)
- Biologically Motivated Computer Vision (2002) (168)
- I think I know that face... (1996) (166)
- Intracellular measurements of spatial integration and the MAX operation in complex cells of the cat primary visual cortex. (2004) (165)
- Full-body person recognition system (2003) (163)
- Ill-Posed Problems and Regularization Analysis in Early Vision (1984) (161)
- Trade-Off between Object Selectivity and Tolerance in Monkey Inferotemporal Cortex (2007) (160)
- Multiplying with synapses and neurons (1992) (158)
- The importance of symmetry and virtual views in three-dimensional object recognition (1994) (157)
- Foveation-based Mechanisms Alleviate Adversarial Examples (2015) (156)
- Face Recognition through Geometrical Features (1992) (156)
- When and Why Are Deep Networks Better Than Shallow Ones? (2017) (152)
- Categorization by Learning and Combining Object Parts (2001) (150)
- Representation Properties of Networks: Kolmogorov's Theorem Is Irrelevant (1989) (150)
- A bootstrapping algorithm for learning linear models of object classes (1997) (149)
- Multidimensional morphable models (1998) (148)
- Morphable Models for the Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Motion Patterns (2000) (145)
- Predicting the visual world: silence is golden (1999) (145)
- Template matching: matched spatial filters and beyond (1995) (144)
- Synthesizing a color algorithm from examples. (1988) (142)
- Figure-ground discrimination by relative movement in the visual system of the fly (2004) (140)
- Role of learning in three-dimensional form perception (1996) (136)
- Object decoding with attention in inferior temporal cortex (2011) (135)
- III-Posed problems early vision: from computational theory to analogue networks (1985) (131)
- Visual Speech Synthesis by Morphing Visemes (2000) (130)
- Prefrontal Cortex Activity during Flexible Categorization (2010) (129)
- Learning Functions: When Is Deep Better Than Shallow (2016) (129)
- How Important Is Weight Symmetry in Backpropagation? (2015) (128)
- Bandpass channels, zero-crossings, and early visual information processing. (1979) (127)
- Multidimensional Morphable Models: A Framework for Representing and Matching Object Classes (2004) (126)
- Considerations on models of movement detection (1973) (125)
- Complex cells and Object Recognition (1997) (124)
- Optical flow from 1-D correlation: Application to a simple time-to-crash detector (1993) (123)
- Synthesizing a color algorithm from examples (1988) (121)
- The Volterra Representation and the Wiener Expansion: Validity and Pitfalls (1977) (114)
- From regularization to radial, tensor and additive splines (1993) (114)
- Ill-posed problems in early vision: from computational theory to analogue networks (1985) (112)
- Learning a dictionary of shape-components in visual cortex: comparison with neurons, humans and machines (2006) (111)
- Agent-Based Models of Financial Markets: A Comparison with Experimental Markets (2001) (111)
- Fingerprints theorems for zero crossings (1985) (109)
- Theory of Deep Learning III: explaining the non-overfitting puzzle (2017) (107)
- CNS: a GPU-based framework for simulating cortically-organized networks (2010) (107)
- A generalized ordering constraint for stereo correspondence (1984) (104)
- Biophysiologically Plausible Implementations of the Maximum Operation (2002) (104)
- Theoretical issues in deep networks (2020) (102)
- On parallel stereo (1986) (101)
- Early Visual Learning (1996) (101)
- An Information Processing Approach to Understanding the Visual Cortex (1980) (100)
- A Sparse Representation for Function Approximation (1998) (98)
- Statistical Learning Theory: A Primer (2000) (96)
- On Invariance and Selectivity in Representation Learning (2015) (96)
- Smallest channel in early human vision. (1980) (96)
- A theory of the pattern induced flight orientation of the fly Musca domestica II (1975) (93)
- Direction estimation of pedestrian from multiple still images (2004) (93)
- Symmetric 3D objects are an easy case for 2D object recognition. (1994) (91)
- A Unified Framework for Regularization Networks and Support Vector Machines (1999) (91)
- Tracking and chasing in houseflies (Musca) (1982) (88)
- Spectro-temporal analysis of speech using 2-d Gabor filters (2007) (88)
- Figure-ground discrimination by relative movement in the visual system of the fly (1979) (87)
- Visual Integration and Detection of Discontinuities: The Key Role of Intensity Edges (1987) (87)
- Unsupervised learning of invariant representations (2016) (87)
- Biophysics of Computation: Neurons, Synapses and Membranes (1984) (87)
- On optimal nonlinear associative recall (1975) (87)
- Unsupervised Learning of Invariant Representations in Hierarchical Architectures (2013) (86)
- Facial analysis and synthesis using image-based models (1996) (83)
- On the Role of Object-Specific Features for Real World Object Recognition in Biological Vision (2002) (77)
- View-based models of 3D object recognition: invariance to imaging transformations. (1995) (77)
- Regularization and statistical learning theory for data analysis (2002) (76)
- Early vision: From computational structure to algorithms and parallel hardware (1985) (75)
- Chapter 7 Regularized Least-Squares Classification (2003) (75)
- A Trainable Object Detection System: Car Detection in Static Images (1999) (74)
- An Analytical Method for Multiclass Molecular Cancer Classification (2003) (72)
- A theory of the pattern induced flight orientation of the fly Musca domestica (2004) (70)
- A simple algorithm for solving the cable equation in dendritic trees of arbitrary geometry (1985) (70)
- Theory II: Landscape of the Empirical Risk in Deep Learning (2017) (68)
- Securities Trading of Concepts (STOC) (2011) (66)
- Feature reduction and hierarchy of classifiers for fast object detection in video images (2001) (66)
- Learning Human Face Detection in Cluttered Scenes (1995) (66)
- Mathematics of the Neural Response (2010) (65)
- Convex Learning of Multiple Tasks and their Structure (2015) (65)
- Bringing the Grandmother back into the Picture: A Memory-Based View of Object Recognition (1990) (65)
- A New Biologically Motivated Framework for Robust Object Recognition (2004) (64)
- The synaptic veto mechanism: does it underlie direction and orientation selectivity in the visual cortex (1985) (63)
- Learning invariant representations and applications to face verification (2013) (63)
- The Levels of Understanding Framework, Revised (2012) (63)
- On Invariance in Hierarchical Models (2009) (63)
- Localized spectro-temporal cepstral analysis of speech (2008) (62)
- Theory of Deep Learning IIb: Optimization Properties of SGD (2018) (61)
- A neuromorphic approach to computer vision (2010) (61)
- From regularization to radial, tensor and additive splines (1993) (61)
- Parallel Optical Flow Using Local Voting (1988) (60)
- Model-Based Matching by Linear Combinations of Prototypes (1996) (60)
- Image Synthesis from a Single Example Image (1996) (60)
- Spotlight on attention (1985) (60)
- Biologically-plausible learning algorithms can scale to large datasets (2018) (60)
- 2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) (2018) (59)
- Learning-based approach to real time tracking and analysis of faces (2000) (59)
- Electrical properties of dendritic spines (1983) (59)
- Visual Cortex and Deep Networks: Learning Invariant Representations (2016) (57)
- Synapses that compute motion. (1987) (55)
- Models of visual cortex (2013) (55)
- Multiclass Learning with Simplex Coding (2012) (54)
- Image Representations and Feature Selection for Multimedia Database Search (2003) (54)
- A pattern classification approach to dynamical object detection (1999) (53)
- View-Tolerant Face Recognition and Hebbian Learning Imply Mirror-Symmetric Neural Tuning to Head Orientation (2016) (51)
- Learning Real and Boolean Functions: When Is Deep Better Than Shallow (2016) (51)
- How Visual Cortex Recognizes Objects: The Tale of the Standard Model (2002) (51)
- Computations in the vertebrate retina: gain enhancement, differentiation and motion discrimination (1986) (50)
- Learning Manifolds with K-Means and K-Flats (2012) (48)
- Integration of vision modules and labeling of surface discontinuities (1989) (48)
- A New Approach to Synaptic Interactions (1978) (48)
- Image representations for object detection using kernel classifiers (2000) (46)
- Stochastic Identification Methods for Nonlinear Systems: An Extension of the Wiener Theory (1978) (46)
- Learning and disrupting invariance in visual recognition with a temporal association rule (2012) (45)
- Identification and analysis of alternative splicing events conserved in human and mouse Gene (2005) (45)
- Discriminative word-spotting using ordered spectro-temporal patch features (2008) (44)
- Making machines (and artificial intelligence) see (1989) (44)
- Deep Convolutional Networks are Hierarchical Kernel Machines (2015) (43)
- Learning complex cell invariance from natural videos: A plausibility proof (2007) (43)
- 3-D Analysis of the Flight Trajectories of Flies (Drosophila melanogaster) (1980) (43)
- Just One View: Invariances in Inferotemporal Cell Tuning (1997) (43)
- A Novel Approach to Graphics (1992) (42)
- The MIT vision machine (1988) (41)
- Statistical Learning: Stability is Sufficient for Generalization and Necessary and Sufficient for Consistency of Empirical Risk Minimization (2002) (40)
- Top–down learning of low-level vision tasks (1997) (40)
- People recognition and pose estimation in image sequences (2000) (40)
- Finding Human Faces with a Gaussian Mixture Distribution-Based Face Model (1995) (40)
- Green Theorems and Qualitative Properties of the Optical Flow (1991) (39)
- GEM: A Global Electronic Market System (1999) (39)
- Oriented filters for object recognition: an empirical study (2004) (38)
- Model-based matching of line drawings by linear combinations of prototypes (1995) (38)
- Unsupervised learning of invariant representations with low sample complexity: the magic of sensory cortex or a new framework for machine learning? (2014) (38)
- Why The Brain Separates Face Recognition From Object Recognition (2011) (38)
- The computational magic of the ventral stream: sketch of a theory (and why some deep architectures work). (2012) (36)
- Computational Models of Object Recognition in Cortex: A Review (2000) (36)
- Machine Learning, Machine Vision, and the Brain (1999) (36)
- A project for an intelligent system: Vision and learning (1992) (36)
- People Recognition in Image Sequences by Supervised Learning (2000) (35)
- HyperBF Networks for Real Object Recognition (1991) (35)
- Marr's computational approach to vision (1981) (35)
- Scale and translation-invariance for novel objects in human vision (2020) (34)
- On head and body movements of flying flies (1977) (34)
- Adaptation of Inputs in the Somatosensory System (2002) (34)
- Vertical image registration in stereopsis (1984) (34)
- Synthesis and recognition of biological motion patterns based on linear superposition of prototypical motion sequences (1999) (34)
- Regression and Classification with Regularization (2003) (33)
- Symmetry-adapted representation learning (2019) (33)
- I-theory on depth vs width: hierarchical function composition (2015) (33)
- A fast, invariant representation for human action in the visual system. (2016) (32)
- A Connection Between GRBF and MLP (1992) (32)
- Introduction to the Special Section on Learning in Computer Vision (1994) (32)
- Deep Learning for Seismic Inverse Problems: Toward the Acceleration of Geophysical Analysis Workflows (2021) (32)
- Vision: are models of object recognition catching up with the brain? (2013) (32)
- A Surprising Linear Relationship Predicts Test Performance in Deep Networks (2018) (31)
- Learning Features of Intermediate Complexity for the Recognition of Biological Motion (2005) (31)
- Learning and vision machines (2002) (31)
- The Invariance Hypothesis Implies Domain-Specific Regions in Visual Cortex (2015) (30)
- Memo No . 067 June 27 , 2017 Theory of Deep Learning III : Generalization Properties of SGD (2017) (30)
- Convolution and correlation algebras (1973) (30)
- Perceptual Evaluation of Video-Realistic Speech (2003) (30)
- Online Learning, Stability, and Stochastic Gradient Descent (2011) (30)
- Biologically Inspired Mechanisms for Adversarial Robustness (2020) (29)
- Learning with Group Invariant Features: A Kernel Perspective (2015) (29)
- Report on Workshop on High Performance Computing and Communications for Grand Challenge Applications: Computer Vision, Speech and Natural Language Processing, and Artificial Intelligence (1993) (28)
- The orientation of flies towards visual patterns: On the search for the underlying functional interactions (1975) (28)
- An Optimal Scale for Edge Detection (1988) (28)
- Complexity control by gradient descent in deep networks (2020) (27)
- Computational role of eccentricity dependent cortical magnification (2014) (27)
- Subtasks of Unconstrained Face Recognition (2014) (27)
- 3D Object Recognition: A Model of View-Tuned Neurons (1996) (26)
- Zero-Crossings and Spatiotemporal Interpolation in Vision: Aliasing and Electrical Coupling between Sensors. (1982) (26)
- Theoretical Issues in Deep Networks: Approximation, Optimization and Generalization (2019) (26)
- Bounds on the Generalization Performance of Kernel Machine Ensembles (2000) (26)
- Wiener-like system identification in physiology (1977) (26)
- Invariant Recognition Shapes Neural Representations of Visual Input. (2018) (26)
- MIT progress in understanding images (1989) (26)
- Do Deep Neural Networks Suffer from Crowding? (2017) (26)
- Approximate inference with Wasserstein gradient flows (2018) (26)
- Streaming Normalization: Towards Simpler and More Biologically-plausible Normalizations for Online and Recurrent Learning (2016) (26)
- Trigger Features or Fourier Analysis in Early Vision: A New Point of View (1982) (26)
- A deep representation for invariance and music classification (2014) (26)
- Theory of human stereopsis (A) (1977) (25)
- Towards an Example-Based Image Compression Architecture for Video-Conferencing (1994) (25)
- Information Dissemination and Aggregation in Asset Markets with Simple Intelligent Traders (1998) (24)
- Learning Generic Invariances in Object Recognition: Translation and Scale (2010) (24)
- Notes on Hierarchical Splines, DCLNs and i-theory (2015) (24)
- Handheld Face Identification Technology in a Pervasive Computing Environment (2002) (24)
- Compression of Deep Neural Networks for Image Instance Retrieval (2017) (24)
- Optical flow: computational properties and networks, biological and analog (1989) (24)
- Representation properties of multilayer feedforward networks (1988) (24)
- Analysis of a cooperative stereo algorithm (1978) (24)
- Hierarchical models of object recognition in cortex September 23 , 1999 (1999) (24)
- Observations on Cortical Mechanisms for Object Recognition and Learning (1993) (23)
- Theory IIIb: Generalization in Deep Networks (2018) (23)
- Modeling feature sharing between object detection and top-down attention (2005) (23)
- A neuronal circuitry for relative movement discrimination by the visual system of the fly (1981) (22)
- Videorealistic talking faces: a morphing approach (1997) (22)
- A Note on Object Class Representation and Categorical Perception (1999) (22)
- A Network for Image Segmentation Using Color (1988) (22)
- Eccentricity Dependent Deep Neural Networks: Modeling Invariance in Human Vision (2017) (22)
- Representation Learning in Sensory Cortex: A Theory (2014) (22)
- Holographic aspects of temporal memory and optomotor responses (2004) (22)
- AM-FM Demodulation of Spectrograms using Localized 2D Max-Gabor Analysis (2007) (21)
- Modeling Stock Order Flows and Learning Market-Making from Data (2002) (21)
- Function approximation by deep networks (2019) (20)
- Learning of visual modules from examples: A framework for understanding adaptive visual performance (1992) (19)
- The Muller-Lyer figure and the fly (1975) (19)
- Visual information: Do computers need attention? (1986) (19)
- Attentional Selection for Object Recognition – a Gentle (2002) (19)
- Double descent in the condition number (2019) (19)
- On the representation of multi-input systems: Computational properties of polynomial algorithms (1980) (19)
- Morphing spectral envelopes using audio flow (2005) (18)
- Theory of Deep Learning III : the non-overfitting puzzle (2018) (18)
- Biophysical Models of Neural Computation: Max and Tuning Circuits (2006) (18)
- Feature Selection for Face Detection (2000) (18)
- Spatial Reference Frames for Object Recognition Tuning for Rotations in Depth (1995) (17)
- Discriminative template learning in group-convolutional networks for invariant speech representations (2015) (17)
- Object recognition and detection by a combination of support vector machine and rotation invariant phase only correlation (2000) (17)
- Bagging Regularizes (2002) (17)
- Parallel Optical Flow Computation (1987) (17)
- Deep Recurrent Architectures for Seismic Tomography (2019) (17)
- Can a biologically-plausible hierarchy effectively replace face detection, alignment, and recognition pipelines? (2013) (17)
- Computation of motion by real neurons (1990) (17)
- An analysis of training and generalization errors in shallow and deep networks (2018) (17)
- Rotation Invariant Object Recognition from One Training Example (2004) (17)
- Theory III: Dynamics and Generalization in Deep Networks (2019) (17)
- Applications of empirical processes in learning theory: algorithmic stability and generalization bounds (2006) (16)
- Image-based view synthesis by combining trilinear tensors and learning techniques (1997) (16)
- 3D Object Recognition: Symmetry and Virtual Views (1992) (16)
- Visual fixation and tracking by flies: Mathematical properties of simple control systems (1981) (16)
- Parallel processing in the DARPA strategic computing vision program (1991) (16)
- Explicit regularization and implicit bias in deep network classifiers trained with the square loss (2020) (16)
- Analog VLSI systems for image acquisition and fast early vision processing (1992) (15)
- Hidden cues in random-line stereograms (1982) (15)
- Learning a Color Algorithm from Examples (1987) (15)
- Regularized Least-Squares Classification 133 In practice , although (2007) (15)
- Automatic person recognition by acoustic and geometric features (1995) (15)
- A Bayesian inference theory of attention: neuroscience and algorithms (2009) (15)
- Generalization in deep network classifiers trained with the square loss1 (2020) (15)
- From the Retina to the Neocortex: Selected Papers of David Marr (2012) (15)
- Theory I: Deep networks and the curse of dimensionality (2018) (15)
- Shape representation in V4: Investigating position-specific tuning for boundary conformation with the standard model of object recognition (2010) (15)
- Fingerprints Theorems (1984) (15)
- An Analog Model of Computation for the Ill-Posed Problems of Early Vision, (1984) (14)
- Integrating visual cues for object segmentation and recognition (1989) (14)
- The role of insight in perceptual learning: evidence from illusory contour perception (2002) (14)
- A multiview face identification model with no geometric constraints (2006) (14)
- Multiclass Classification of SRBCTs (2001) (14)
- Exploring brain functions : models in neuroscience : report of the Dahlem Workshop on Exploring Brain Functions : Models in Neuroscience, Berlin, 1991 September 29-October 4 (1993) (14)
- The Individual is Nothing, the Class Everything: Psychophysics and Modeling of Recognition in Obect Classes (2000) (14)
- Experimental Markets for Product Concepts (2001) (14)
- On holographic models of memory (1973) (14)
- Phonetic Classification Using Hierarchical, Feed-forward, Spectro-temporal Patch-based Architectures (2007) (14)
- Nonlinear interactions underlying visual orientation behavior of the fly. (1976) (14)
- Sufficient Conditions for Uniform Stability of Regularization Algorithms (2009) (13)
- Musings on Deep Learning: Properties of SGD (2017) (13)
- Experience-dependent plasticity of intracortical connections (2002) (13)
- CBF: A New Framework for Object Categorization in Cortex (2000) (13)
- Guest Editorial Applications Of Artificial Neural Networks To Image Processing (1998) (13)
- An integrated model of visual attention using shape-based features (2009) (13)
- Group Invariant Deep Representations for Image Instance Retrieval (2016) (13)
- Invariant recognition drives neural representations of action sequences (2017) (13)
- Direction Estimation of Pedestrian from Images (2003) (12)
- Hierarchical Classification and Feature Reduction for Fast Face Detection (2005) (12)
- Generalization and Properties of the Neural Response (2010) (12)
- Derived Distance : towards a mathematical theory of visual cortex (2007) (12)
- Learning to discount transformations as the computational goal of visual cortex (2011) (12)
- How can cells in the anterior medial face patch be viewpoint invariant (2011) (12)
- Characterization of nonlinear interactions in the fly's visual system (1981) (12)
- Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Biologically Motivated Computer Vision (2000) (12)
- Extensions of a Theory of Networks and Learning: Outliers and Negative Examples (1990) (12)
- Caricatural effects in automated face perception (1993) (12)
- Hierarchical morphable models (1998) (12)
- Does the p 53 Up-Regulated Gadd 45 Protein Have a Role in Excision Repair ? (12)
- A Volterra representation for some neuron models (1977) (12)
- Biologically motivated computer vision : Second International Workshop, BMCV 2002, Tübingen, Germany, November 22-24, 2002 : proceedings (2002) (11)
- Sparse Correlation Kernel Analysis and Reconstruction (1998) (11)
- Predicting geological features in 3D Seismic Data (2016) (11)
- Integrating vision modules with coupled MRFs (1985) (11)
- Learning and Invariance in a Family of Hierarchical Kernels (2010) (11)
- A hierarchical model of peripheral vision (2011) (11)
- From primal templates to invariant recognition (2010) (10)
- The biophysical properties of spines as a basis for their electrical function: a comment on Kawato & Tsukahara (1983). (1985) (10)
- Seeing in Parallel: the Vision Machine (1988) (10)
- Learning colour constancy (1994) (10)
- Modeling Invariances in Inferotemporal Cell Tuning (1998) (10)
- Word-level invariant representations from acoustic waveforms (2014) (10)
- Correction: Corrigendum: Automated home-cage behavioural phenotyping of mice (2012) (9)
- Implicit dynamic regularization in deep networks (2020) (9)
- Notes on PCA, Regularization, Sparsity and Support Vector Machines (1998) (9)
- Regularization Theory and Shape Constraints (1986) (9)
- Fast and Flexible Inference of Joint Distributions from their Marginals (2019) (9)
- On the limits of feed-forward processing in visual object recognition (2010) (9)
- Max-Gabor analysis and synthesis of spectrograms (2006) (9)
- Throwing Down the Visual Intelligence Gauntlet (2013) (9)
- Viewer-Centered Object Recognition in Monkeys (1994) (9)
- Some Comments on a Recent Theory of Stereopsis (1980) (9)
- View-based Models of 3D Object Recognition and Class-specific Invariances (1994) (9)
- Trainable, vision-based automated home cage behavioral phenotyping (2010) (8)
- Visual Categorization: How the Monkey Brain Does It (2002) (8)
- Input/Output Hidden Markov Models for Modeling Stock Order Flows (2001) (8)
- Loss landscape: SGD has a better view (2020) (8)
- Loss landscape: SGD can have a better view than GD (2020) (8)
- Attentive processing improves object recognition (2009) (8)
- Unsupervised learning of clutter-resistant visual representations from natural videos (2014) (8)
- Neural Tuning Size in a Model of Primate Visual Processing Accounts for Three Key Markers of Holistic Face Processing (2016) (8)
- Evidence for a Fifth, Smaller Channel in Early Human Vision. (1979) (8)
- 3D object recognition and matching: on a result of Basri and Ullman (1994) (8)
- Faces as a "Model Category" for Visual Object Recognition (2013) (8)
- Object-Oriented Deep Learning (2017) (8)
- HyperBF: a powerful approximation technique for learning (1991) (8)
- A parallel motion algorithm consistent with psychophysics and physiology (1989) (8)
- A special class of nonlinear interactions in the visual system of the fly (1976) (8)
- Processing of visual information in flies: from a phenomenological problem towards the nervous mechanisms (1974) (8)
- A general mechanism for tuning: Gain control circuits and synapses underlie tuning of cortical neurons (2004) (7)
- Introduction: Learning and Vision at CBCL (2000) (7)
- Invariant Recognition Predicts Tuning of Neurons in Sensory Cortex (2017) (7)
- Theory II: Deep learning and optimization (2018) (7)
- A nonlinear transfer function for some neuron models (1975) (7)
- Approximations in the HMAX Model (2011) (7)
- Human Document Classification Using Bags of Words (2006) (7)
- Spatio-temporal convolutional neural networks explain human neural representations of action recognition (2016) (7)
- Deep Learning: Theory and Practice (2018) (7)
- Does invariant recognition predict tuning of neurons in sensory cortex ? (2013) (7)
- SGD Noise and Implicit Low-Rank Bias in Deep Neural Networks (2022) (7)
- Models of object recognition (1991) (6)
- CBCL Paper April 4 , 2008 On a model of visual cortex : learning invariance and selectivity from image sequences (2008) (6)
- Learning-Based Approach to Estimation of Morphable Model Parameters (2000) (6)
- Ultra-fast Object Recognition from Few Spikes (2005) (6)
- Single units in a deep neural network functionally correspond with neurons in the brain: preliminary results (2018) (6)
- Towards trainable man-machine interfaces: combining top-down constraints with bottom-up learning in facial analysis (2002) (6)
- Real-time delayed tracking in flies (1976) (6)
- Are Cortical Models Really Bound Review by the "Binding Problem"? (1999) (6)
- Evaluation of Sets of Oriented and Non-Oriented Receptive Fields as Local Descriptors (2004) (6)
- Boston colloquium for philosophy of science (2002) (5)
- Analog VLSI systems for early vision processing (1992) (5)
- Standard model v2.0: How visual cortex might learn a universal dictionary of shape components (2005) (5)
- The invariance hypothesis implies domain-specific regions in visual cortex (2014) (5)
- Selectivity of Local Field Potentials in Macaque Inferior Temporal Cortex (2004) (5)
- Last but Not Least (2002) (5)
- Learning An Invariant Speech Representation (2014) (5)
- Phone classification by a hierarchy of invariant representation layers (2014) (5)
- Boosting a Biologically Inspired Local Descriptor for Geometry-free Face and Full Multi-view 3D Object Recognition (2005) (5)
- For Interpolating Kernel Machines, Minimizing the Norm of the ERM Solution Maximizes Stability (2020) (5)
- Biologically Plausible Neural Model for the Recognition of Biological Motion and Actions (2002) (5)
- Cooperative Physics of Fly Swarms: An Emergent Behavior (1994) (5)
- Neural representation of action sequences: how far can a simple snippet-matching model take us? (2013) (5)
- Representations in high-level vision: reassessing the inverse optics paradigm (1989) (5)
- No . 067 April 4 , 2017 Theory of Deep Learning III : Generalization Properties of SGD by (2017) (5)
- Synthesis of Visual Modules from Examples: Learning Hyperacuity (1991) (5)
- Evidence for recognition based on interpolation among 2D views of objects in monkeys. (1992) (5)
- On a model of visual cortex: learning invariance and selectivity (2008) (5)
- On Learnability, Complexity and Stability (2013) (5)
- Is the Human Visual System Invariant to Translation and Scale? (2017) (5)
- Stochastic Linearization, Central Limit Theorem and Linearity in (Nervous) "Black-Boxes" (1975) (4)
- Virtually guided movements: Group report (1977) (4)
- Responses of Inferotemporal (IT) Neurons to Novel Wire-Objects in Monkeys Trained in an Object Recognition Task (1993) (4)
- On optimal discrete estimation (1975) (4)
- Distribution of Classification Margins: Are All Data Equal? (2021) (4)
- CUDA-Optimized real-time rendering of a Foveated Visual System (2020) (4)
- Visual Attention in Brains and Computers (1986) (4)
- Turing++ Questions: A Test for the Science of (Human) Intelligence (2016) (4)
- Classical generalization bounds are surprisingly tight for Deep Networks (2018) (4)
- Marr's Approach to Vision (1981) (4)
- Regularization Predicts While Discovering Taxonomy (2011) (4)
- Differential Operators for Edge Detection (1983) (4)
- Quantification and classification of locomotion patterns by spatio-temporal morphable models (2000) (4)
- General framework for object detection Conference (2004) (4)
- Parallel motion algorithm explains barber pole and motion capture Illusions without tricks (1987) (4)
- Examining high level neural representations of cluttered scenes (2010) (4)
- The computational magic of the ventral stream (2012) (4)
- Object Recognition Using Boosted Oriented Filter Based Local Descriptors (2009) (3)
- Processing of visual information in insects: A theoretical characterization (1975) (3)
- Sparse correlation kernel reconstruction (1999) (3)
- Attention as a Bayesian inference process (2011) (3)
- Neural tuning size is a key factor underlying holistic face processing (2014) (3)
- View-Based Strategies for 3D Object Recognition (1995) (3)
- Invariant Recognition of Objects by Vision (2010) (3)
- Learning simple and complex cells-like receptive fields from natural images: a plausibility proof (2010) (3)
- Feedforward theories of visual cortex predict human performance in rapid categorization (2010) (3)
- Neurons That Confuse Mirror-Symmetric Object Views (2010) (3)
- Learning in brains and machines. (2000) (3)
- Cortex: Neurophysiology and Behavior Visual Categorization and the Primate Prefrontal (2006) (3)
- Visual Speech Synthesis by Morphing Visemes (特集論文 NTT-MIT共同研究) (2000) (3)
- Neural-guided, Bidirectional Program Search for Abstraction and Reasoning (2021) (3)
- Observations on Cortical Mechanisms for Object Recognition and N 00014-93-1-0385 Learning N 00014-92-J-1879 NSF ASC-9217041-JTHOR ( S ) (3)
- Learning, regularization and splines (1988) (3)
- Guest Editors' Introduction: Neural Networks For Signal Processing (1997) (3)
- Invariant representations for action recognition in the visual system. (2015) (3)
- A Model of the Acquisition of Object Representations in Human 3D Visual Recognition (1993) (3)
- Werner Reichardt 1924–1992 (1993) (3)
- When Is Handcrafting Not a Curse (2018) (3)
- Preliminary MEG decoding results (2012) (2)
- Deep Classifiers trained with the Square Loss (2022) (2)
- Microelectronics In Nerve Cells: Dendritic Morphology and Information Processing (1981) (2)
- Generalization Puzzles in Deep Networks (2019) (2)
- Networks That Learn for Image Understanding (1996) (2)
- Spatiotemporal Interpolation in Vision (1983) (2)
- Exact Equivariance, Disentanglement and Invariance of Transformations (2017) (2)
- SGD and Weight Decay Provably Induce a Low-Rank Bias in Neural Networks (2022) (2)
- The Effects of Image Distribution and Task on Adversarial Robustness (2021) (2)
- United we stand (2019) (2)
- Multi-Class Learning: Simplex Coding And Relaxation Error (2011) (2)
- Reading the mind's eye: Decoding object information during mental imagery from fMRI patterns (2010) (2)
- Hierarchically Local Tasks and Deep Convolutional Networks (2020) (2)
- Pruning Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Instance Retrieval (2017) (2)
- Symmetric Set Theory, a General Theory of Isomorphism, Abstraction, and Representation. (1983) (2)
- Compositional Sparsity: a framework for ML (2022) (2)
- Human-like Learning: A Research Proposal (2017) (2)
- Theory I: Why and When Can Deep Networks Avoid the Curse of Dimensionality? (2016) (2)
- The Learning Problem and Regularization (2006) (2)
- A Regularized Solution To Edge Detection AI Memo (1)
- Francis Harry Compton Crick (2004) (1)
- Donald Arthur Glaser (1926–2013) (2013) (1)
- Learning and disrupting invariance in visual recognition (2011) (1)
- Supporting Online Material for Fast Readout of Object Identity from Macaque Inferior Temporal Cortex (2005) (1)
- Response from Sinha and Poggio (1997) (1)
- Neuroscience: New Insights for AI? (2006) (1)
- System identification of neural systems: If we got it right, would we know? (2023) (1)
- Eccentricity Dependent Deep Neural Networks for Modeling Human Vision (2017) (1)
- Biologically Plausible Neural Circuits for Realization of Maximum Operations (2001) (1)
- The Computational Problem of Motor Control (1983) (1)
- Biologically Inspired Circuits for Visual Search and Recognition in Complex Scenes (2013) (1)
- Illusions of a Parallel Motion Algorithm (1988) (1)
- Memo No . 35 August 5 , 2015 Deep Convolutional Networks are Hierarchical Kernel Machines (2015) (1)
- Biophysical models of neural computation : MAX and normalization (2006) (1)
- The Mathematics of Learning: Dealing With Data (2005) (1)
- Zero-Crossings and Spatiotemporal Interpretation in Vision (1982) (1)
- Mathematical Programming in Machine Learning and Data Mining (2007) (1)
- Recognizing Expressions by Direct Estimation of the Parameters of a Pixel Morphable Model (2002) (1)
- Supplementary Material for NIPS 2009 Paper #978, "On Invariance in Hierarchical Models" (2009) (1)
- Image Representations for Visual Learning (Invited Paper) (1997) (1)
- Synapses that compute motion. Memorandum report (1987) (1)
- 3D Object-Oriented Learning: An End-to-end Transformation-Disentangled 3D Representation (2017) (1)
- Associative Learning of Standard Regularizing Operators in Early Vision (1984) (1)
- Biologically motivated computer vision : first IEEE International Workshop, BMCV 2000, Seoul, Korea, May 15-17, 2000 : proceedings (2000) (1)
- Object Recognition : Symmetry and Virtual Views (1)
- Cross-validation Stability of Deep Networks (2021) (1)
- Theoretical approaches in neurobiology : based on a work session of the Neurosciences Research Program (1981) (1)
- From bits to information with learning machines: theory and applications (2000) (1)
- Memo No . 63 May 26 , 2017 Symmetry Regularization (2017) (1)
- Training Neural Networks for Object Recognition Using Blurred Images (2019) (1)
- On Stability and Concentration of Measure (2004) (1)
- Face detection by humans and machines (2004) (1)
- Dreaming with ARC (2020) (1)
- A Contour-Based Moving Object Detection (2009) (1)
- Neural networks for signal processing - Guest editors' introduction (1997) (1)
- Recognition of symmetric 3D objects (1993) (1)
- Multi-category and Taxonomy Learning : A Regularization Approach (2011) (1)
- Werner Reichardt: the man and his scientific legacy (2011) (1)
- Body-form and body-pose recognition with a hierarchical model of the ventral stream (2013) (1)
- Based Learinig for View-Based Human Face Detection (1)
- Object Recognition? Need to Underlie Position and Clutter ''Invariant'' What Response Properties Do Individual Neurons (2011) (1)
- Predictive identification of alternative events conserved in human and mouse (2004) (1)
- Asymptotic oscillations in the tracking behaviour of the fly Musca domestica (1981) (1)
- Foundations of Deep Learning: Compositional Sparsity of Computable Functions (2022) (1)
- Continuous Stochastic Cellular Automata That Have a Stationary Distribution and No Detailed Balance (1990) (1)
- Computer Vision (1987) (1)
- Inter-voice Audio Morphing (2006) (1)
- Vision by Man and Machine: How the Brain Processes Visual Information may be Suggested by Studies in Computer Vision (and Vice Versa). (1984) (1)
- Computation of Stereo and Visual Motion: From Biophysics to Psychophysics (1988) (0)
- Memo No . 90 August 6 , 2019 Theory III : Dynamics and Generalization in Deep Networks 1 (2019) (0)
- Hierarchical Spectro-Temporal Models for Speech Recognition (2007) (0)
- Computational analysis of properties and limitations of neural networks: toward new parallel architectures for learning. Final report (1992) (0)
- Machine Recognition of Objects (2014) (0)
- On the Human Visual System Invariance to Translation and Scale (2017) (0)
- Perception (2018) (0)
- Learning mid-level motion features for the recognition of body movements (2010) (0)
- in vertebrate lr. a: gain e ement, dtffefe a and motion discrimlnaUon (1986) (0)
- No . 90 October 12 , 2019 Theory III : Dynamics and Generalization in Deep Networks 1 (2019) (0)
- Memo No . 90 September 8 , 2019 Theory III : Dynamics and Generalization in Deep Networks 1 (2019) (0)
- Stable Foundations for Learning: a foundational framework for learning theory in both the classical and modern regime. (2020) (0)
- Com~jderations on Modcls of I\1ovcment Det~ction (1973) (0)
- Neuroscience: New Insights for AI? (2006) (0)
- Adaptive Information Filtering with Minimal Instruction MIT 2000-08 Progress Report : January 1 , 2002 — June 30 , 2002 Tommi Jaakkola and Tomaso Poggio Project Overview (2003) (0)
- 1 Early Visual (2007) (0)
- 3 A semi-rigorous theory of the optimization landscape of Deep Nets : Bezout theorem and Boltzman distribution (2019) (0)
- Learning Based Representation of Complex Movement Patterns (0)
- Behavioral / Systems / Cognitive Prefrontal Cortex Activity during Flexible Categorization (2010) (0)
- How does the visual system create complex shape and motion features (2011) (0)
- A Simple Discriminative Learning Algorithm for Context (0)
- Chapter 7: Object and Scene Perception Cover Sheet (2011) (0)
- A polynomial representation of algorithms (1981) (0)
- Adaptive Man-Machine Interfaces MIT9904-15 (2001) (0)
- IntroductionSpecial issue: Deep learning (2016) (0)
- Biologically plausible illumination-invariant face representations (2021) (0)
- Experimental Markets for Product Concepts Paper 149 (2002) (0)
- Memo No . 90 July 18 , 2019 Theory III : Dynamics and Generalization in Deep Networks 1 (2019) (0)
- Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications (NII Shonan Meeting 2014-5) (2014) (0)
- Center for Biological and Computational Learning Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2007) (0)
- Adaptive Man-Machine Interfaces MIT 9904-15 Proposal for 1999-2000 Funding Tomaso Poggio (1999) (0)
- Learning On-Line from a Few Examples (2009) (0)
- Dynamics in Deep Classifiers trained with the Square Loss: normalization, low rank, neural collapse and generalization bounds (2023) (0)
- Read-out of visual information from inferior temporal cortex for object recognition (2004) (0)
- Audiovisual Speech Processing: A trainable videorealistic speech animation system (2012) (0)
- Rbf with Occlusions (0)
- Adaptive Man-Machine Interfaces MIT 9904-15 Progress Report : June 30 , 2000 — December 31 , 2000 Tomaso Poggio Project Overview (2001) (0)
- ScalingTheorems forZero Crossings (1986) (0)
- Face Detec t ion in Clut tered Scenes (2005) (0)
- Can Deep Neural Networks Do Image Segmentation by Understanding Insideness? (2018) (0)
- Adaptive Man-Machine Interfaces MIT 9904-15 Progress Report : January 1 , 2001 — June 30 , 2001 Tomaso Poggio Project Overview (2000) (0)
- Introduction to the special issue on machine learning methods for text and images (2003) (0)
- Information Processing in Dendritic Spines (1983) (0)
- Securities Trading of Concepts (STOC) (Running title: SECURITIES TRADING OF CONCEPTS (STOC)) (2008) (0)
- Alternative exon prediction with Support Vector Machines (0)
- ETL-0456 ADA 18 3 755 hJ 1 (0)
- Computational vision as inverse optics: reconstructing spectral reflectances and illuminant (1986) (0)
- 7. AUTHOR(&) S. CONTRACT OR GRANT mUMSEPrIe) (1989) (0)
- Memo No . 70 October 31 , 2017 Object-Oriented Deep Learning by (2017) (0)
- Mouse Behavior Recognition with The Wisdom of (2013) (0)
- Distribution of Caricatural Effect Deviation of Deformation from Caricature Line Fig. 9. Deviation (in Degrees) of the Prototype Deformation from the Caricatural Line (0)
- DONALD ARTHUR GLASER: 21 SEPTEMBER 1926 - 28 FEBRUARY 2013. (2014) (0)
- Memo No . 067 December 26 , 2017 Musings on Deep Learning : Properties of SGD by (2017) (0)
- The Computational Magic of Pattern Recognition in Cortex: A Theory of Selectivity and Invariance (2013) (0)
- Memo No . 026 November 14 , 2014 Representation Learning in Sensory Cortex : a theory (2014) (0)
- Maschinen (und Künstliche Intelligenz) sehend machen (1996) (0)
- Subsumption by Symbolic Labeling Spatial Agglomeration 3.4 Open Problems Features of Recognition (1991) (0)
- A computational model of visuomotor development (1993) (0)
- Iterative regularization in classification via hinge loss diagonal descent (2022) (0)
- DARPA sirategic Computing Vision Pmgmm (1991) (0)
- Feature-based and contextual guidance mechanisms in complex natural visual search (2010) (0)
- (Running title: SECURITIES TRADING OF CONCEPTS (STOC)) (2008) (0)
- AFRL-OSR-VA-TR-2013-0116 Hierarchical Kernel Machines : The Mathematics of Learning Inspired by Visual CortexTitle , i . e , Synthetic Aperture Ladar for Tactical Imaging (2013) (0)
- – August 30 , 2004 Position-Specific Tuning for Boundary Conformation in the Standard Model of Object Recognition (2004) (0)
- 9.913-C Pattern Recognition for Machine Vision, Spring 2002 (2002) (0)
- Concurrent Clustering for Human ID in Multi-source Datasets with Active Learning (2004) (0)
- Preventing dyslexia? Early enhanced hand-eye coordination activities reduces reading difficulties (2005) (0)
- Donald Arthur Glaser (2014) (0)
- Investigating Nonlinearities in the Standard Model of Object Recognition (2004) (0)
- Regression and Classi ationwith (2007) (0)
- Spatio-temporal convolutional networks explain neural representations of human actions (2016) (0)
- Prediction of tissue-specific alternatively spliced exons (2004) (0)
- Achieving Adversarial Robustness in Deep Learning-Based Overhead Imaging (2022) (0)
- A Real Time Computer Vision System based on the Standard Model (2006) (0)
- Alternative exon prediction (0)
- Parallel algorithms for computer vision. Annual report No. 2, 31 August 1986-31 August 1987 (1988) (0)
- Exploring the Gap Between Variable Selection and Dimensionality Reduction (2003) (0)
- procedural memory-based and computer-generated graphic for geraet (1993) (0)
- Medical ultrasound image similarity measurement by human visual system (HVS) modeling (2002) (0)
- MIT 2000-08 Adaptive Information Filtering with Minimal Instruction (2000) (0)
- Sparse Representations of Multiple Signals (1997) (0)
- How to Make Infinity Small (0)
- Implicit coding of location, scale and configural information in feedforward hierarchical models of the visual cortex (2010) (0)
- A recognition system to recognize people. (1993) (0)
- Figure 9 Experimental Results on Real Images 3.3 Region Inference 4 Experimental Results 3.1 Saliency Tensor (1998) (0)
- Properties of invariant object recognition in human one-shot learning suggests a hierarchical architecture different from deep convolutional neural networks (2019) (0)
- Visual Cortex Models for Object Recognition (2014) (0)
- Ààòòòòðð Áááòøø¬ Blockin Blockinøøóò Ì Blockinòóðóóý Ò Èöú××ú Óñôùøøòò Òúúöóòññòø (2007) (0)
- Cross-Domain Adversarial Reprogramming of a Recurrent Neural Network (2020) (0)
- Eye-Movements while observing "Parallel and Serial" Patterns (1988) (0)
- A Sparse Representation for Function Approximation 1 (1998) (0)
- Epilogue: Remembering David Marr (1991) (0)
- Foveation-based Mechanisms Alleviate Adversarial Examples of Deep Neural Networks (2016) (0)
- Invariant representation for blur and down-sampling transformations (2016) (0)
- Parallel Processes in Early Vision: from the computational structure to algorithms and parallel hardware (1985) (0)
- Decoding invariant visual information with MEG sensor and source data (2013) (0)
- Spatial IQ Test for AI (2017) (0)
- View-Based Strategies For 3 D 0 ect Recognition (0)
- From Associative Memories to Universal Machines (2021) (0)
- Learning Lightness Algorithms (1989) (0)
- A Computational Analysis of Properties and Limitations of Neural Networks: Toward New Parallel Architectures for Learning (1992) (0)
- Method and apparatus for computer graphics based memory. (1993) (0)
- The ``fly'' machine (A) (1977) (0)
- Neuroscience is beginning to inspire a new generation of seeing machines. (2010) (0)
- A Novel Approach to Graphics DTIC (0)
- RNA gene prediction with Support Vector Machines (0)
- Paper No . 171 A unified framework for Regularization Networks and Support Vector Machines (1998) (0)
- ETL-0564 ADA 221 871 Parallel Algorithms for Computer Vision Final Report (0)
- Stable Foundations for Learning: a framework for learning theory (in both the classical and modern regime) (2020) (0)
- The winner takes it all Modeling the invariance properties of inferotemporal cortical neurons (1998) (0)
- Explicit and implicit perceptual discrimination of videorealistic speech (2010) (0)
- Investigating Top-down Influences in Human Visual Processing (2007) (0)
- Labeling of Surface Discontinuities through the Integration of Vision Modules (1989) (0)
- Reading Out Visual Information from Populations of Neurons in Inferior Temporal and Prefrontal Cortex (2007) (0)
- Eccentricity Dependent Neural Network with Recurrent Attention for Scale, Translation and Clutter Invariance (2019) (0)
- Norm-based Generalization Bounds for Compositionally Sparse Neural Networks (2023) (0)
- Example Based Learinig for View-Based Human Face Detection 6 (0)
- Memo No . 022 June 15 , 2014 Learning An Invariant Speech Representation by Georgios Evangelopoulos ? (2014) (0)
- Parallel Algorithms for Computer Vision. (1987) (0)
- Scale and translation-invariance for novel objects in human vision (2020) (0)
- Book Review:Movements of the Eyes. R. H. S. Carpenter (1979) (0)
- Investigating Shape Representation in Intermediate Areas of Visual Cortex with the Standard Model of Object Recognition (2004) (0)
- spatial-pool 3 conv 4 spatial-pool 4 Receptive Fields in the Brain (2017) (0)
- Artificial Financial Markets with Adaptive Trading Agents (2003) (0)
- Outline of a Model of Spontaneous Fixation of Elementary Patterns by the Visual System of Flies (1972) (0)
- Memo No . 90 June 29 , 2018 Theory IIIb : Generalization in Deep Networks (2018) (0)
- Automated quantitative analysis of mouse behavior will play a significant role in comprehensive phenotypic analyses both on the small scale of detailed characterization of individual gene mutants (2011) (0)
- 10th International Workshop on High Performance Data Mining (HPDM 2008) (2008) (0)
- Memo No . 90 March 3 , 2019 Theory III : Dynamics and Generalization in Deep Networks 1 (2019) (0)
- Representations That Learn vs. Learning Representations (2018) (0)
- Performance but Also on the Ability of the System to Reject an Unknown User. Evaluation of a Vector Quan- Tization Talker Recognition System in Text Independent And (0)
- Information Processing in Nerve Cells (1988) (0)
- Foreword (2005) (0)
- From Associative Memories to Deep Networks (2021) (0)
- Hierarchical Kernel Machines: The Mathematics of Learning Inspired by Visual Cortex (2013) (0)
- MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Progress in Understanding Images (1983) (0)
- Memo No . 90 April 11 , 2019 Theory III : Dynamics and Generalization in Deep Networks-a simple solution 1 (2019) (0)
- 2 Problem Statement and Previous Work (2012) (0)
- Representation Learning from Orbit Sets for One-Shot Classification (2017) (0)
- Stereopsis: some computational reflections (1993) (0)
- Figure 9 Experimental Results on Real Images 3.3 Region Inference 4 Experimental Results Figure 8 Experimental Results on Synthetic Data 5 3.2 Tensor Voting 3.1 Saliency Tensor (1998) (0)
- Learning and Perceptual Interfaces (2003) (0)
- Quantifying Adversarial Sensitivity of a Model as a Function of the Image Distribution (2021) (0)
- Direction estimation of walking people using a single image (0)
- Parallel algorithms for computer vision. Contract report, 31 August 1985-31 August 1986 (1987) (0)
- Complexity control by gradient descent in deep networks (2020) (0)
- What If... the Background: Dclns (deep Convolutional Learning Networks) Are Doing Very Well (0)
- Memo No . 072 December 27 , 2017 Theory of Deep Learning IIb : Optimization Properties of SGD by (2017) (0)
- Chapter 4 . Custom Integrated Circuits (2009) (0)
- Study of Articial Financial Markets with Adaptive Trading Agents (2001) (0)
- Hierarchical Learning Machines and Neuroscience of Visual Cortex (2010) (0)
- Effects of Neuronal Correlations on Population Decoding and Encoding Models (2018) (0)
- Running Head : Decoding Temporal Dynamics of Category Information Decoding Dynamic Category Information Contact Information : (2008) (0)
- How STS recognizes actions: Predicting single-neuron responses in higher visual cortex (2010) (0)
- PCA as a defense against some adversaries (2022) (0)
- Mouse Behavior Recognition with The Wisdom of Crowd (2013) (0)
- An Overview of Some Issues in the Theory of Deep Networks (2020) (0)
- I261 References (0)
- For interpolating kernel machines, the minimum norm ERM solution is the most stable (2020) (0)
- Rapid evolution of a native species following invasion by a congener (2014) (0)
- In memoriam Werner Reichardt 1924-1992. (1993) (0)
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