
Tomio Fukuoka

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Japanese educator

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Why Is Tomio Fukuoka Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, is a Japanese educator and Academian. He is the Founder/Chairman of Kobe Denshi and Graduate School of Information Technology . Early life Tomio Fukuoka was born in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. Professional career Tomio Fukuoka founded KIC in 1958 as a small Electronic school in the city of Kobe, Japan was called Kobe Electronic School, which received the recognition Institute of Advanced Vocational Education from the Japanese Ministry of Education in 1988 for its vital contribution to Japanese computing society. Now KIC is one of the major institutes for professional, vocational, practical oriented education in ICT and other Digital related industries in Japan over 17,700 alumni.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Tomio Fukuoka?

Tomio Fukuoka is affiliated with the following schools: