
Tracy Montminy

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American artist

Tracy Montminy's Academic­ Rankings

Tracy Montminy
Computer Science
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computer-science Degrees
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  • Computer Science

Why Is Tracy Montminy Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Tracy Montminy, who completed early works as Elizabeth Tracy, was an American artist and muralist. During the WPA's era, she painted murals in civic buildings, including murals in the library in Cambridge, Massachusetts; the fire and police building of Saugus, Massachusetts; the Milton, Massachusetts, post office; Medford, Massachusetts City Hall; the post office of Downers Grove, Illinois; and the post office in Kennebunkport, Maine, as well as others both in the U.S. and abroad. She was an art instructor at the University of Missouri and the American University of Beirut, continuing her own painting projects simultaneously with her teaching into the 1980s. Upon her death, she established a trust to create the Montminy Art Gallery in Columbia, Missouri.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Tracy Montminy?

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