
Ute Jung-Kaiser

Most Influential Person Now

German music educator and music historian

Ute Jung-Kaiser's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

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Ute Jung-Kaiser
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Philosophy

Why Is Ute Jung-Kaiser Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Ute Jung-Kaiser, née Jung is a German musicologist. Life and work Born in Essen, Jung-Kaiser completed studies for the teaching profession at grammar schools in Cologne. After her first Staatsexamen in the fields of musicology, German studies, philosophy and school music she was awarded a Doctorate in 1968. She passed the second Staatsexamen in 1975. In 1981 she received her habilitation in historical musicology at the University of Hamburg.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Ute Jung-Kaiser?

Ute Jung-Kaiser is affiliated with the following schools: