
Valentine Rossilli Winsey

Most Influential Person Now

American anthropologist

Valentine Rossilli Winsey's Academic­ Rankings

Valentine Rossilli Winsey
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

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Why Is Valentine Rossilli Winsey Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Valentine Rossilli Winsey, born Valentina Diane Rossilli was an American speech and drama teacher, historian of immigration, anthropologist, sociologist, psychologist and women's rights activist. After completing a thesis on Italian American migration to New York City, she became a student of Buckminster Fuller, developing his idea of a 'World Game'. She taught anthropology at Pace College. Refused tenure at Pace, she brought a lawsuit against the university for sex discrimination. She later published a genealogical guide, and research on a variety of sociological and psychological topics, including touch and relations with pets.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Valentine Rossilli Winsey?

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