
Valerie G. Hardcastle

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American philosopher

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Why Is Valerie G. Hardcastle Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Valerie G. Hardcastle is a professor of Philosophy and Psychology at The University of Cincinnati who grew up in Houston, Texas. Education She was a double major at the University of California, Berkeley, earning bachelor's degrees in Political Science and Philosophy in 1986, and then a master's degree in Philosophy from The University of Houston, and an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Cognitive Science and Philosophy from the University of California, San Diego. Her coursework has been affiliated with areas such as; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and has most recently been focusing her time and research on the study of the neuroscience of violence. She is also a Scholar-in-Residence at The Weaver Institute of Law and Psychiatry and is also a Director of The Medical Humanities and Bioethics Certificate. Hardcastle is an internationally known scholar, with a total of 5 books that she has authored and a total of 120 total essays that she has written. Those publications only begin the list of achievements she has achieved throughout her lifetime thus far.

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