
Victor Pelevin

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Russian author

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  • Literature

Why Is Victor Pelevin Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Victor Olegovich Pelevin is a Russian fiction writer. His novels include Omon Ra , The Life of Insects , Chapayev and Void , and Generation P . He is a laureate of multiple literary awards including the Russian Little Booker Prize and the Russian National Bestseller , the former for the short story collection The Blue Lantern . His books are multi-layered postmodernist texts fusing elements of pop culture and esoteric philosophies while carrying conventions of the science fiction genre. Some critics relate his prose to the New Sincerity literary movement.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Victor Pelevin?

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What Are Victor Pelevin's Academic Contributions?

Victor Pelevin is most known for their academic work in the field of literature. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Victor Pelevin has made the following academic contributions: