Victoria J. Fraser
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- Bachelors Biology University of Pennsylvania
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Victoria J. Fraser is an American physician. Fraser graduated from William Woods College before earning a medical degree from the University of Missouri School of Medicine. After completing her residency at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, she joined the Washington University in St. Louis faculty in 1991. Fraser was subsequently named J. William Campbell Professor of Medicine, serving until her appointment as Adolphus Busch Professor of Medicine and department chair in 2012.
Victoria J. Fraser's Published Works
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Published Works
- Inadequate antimicrobial treatment of infections: a risk factor for hospital mortality among critically ill patients. (1999) (1842)
- The influence of inadequate antimicrobial treatment of bloodstream infections on patient outcomes in the ICU setting. (2000) (1813)
- Delaying the Empiric Treatment of Candida Bloodstream Infection until Positive Blood Culture Results Are Obtained: a Potential Risk Factor for Hospital Mortality (2005) (1226)
- Clinical importance of delays in the initiation of appropriate antibiotic treatment for ventilator-associated pneumonia. (2002) (942)
- Strategies to Prevent Surgical Site Infections in Acute Care Hospitals (2008) (797)
- A clone of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus among professional football players. (2005) (763)
- Patients' and physicians' attitudes regarding the disclosure of medical errors. (2003) (759)
- Candidemia in a tertiary care hospital: epidemiology, risk factors, and predictors of mortality. (1992) (705)
- Risk factors for surgical site infection following orthopaedic spinal operations. (2008) (686)
- Targeted versus universal decolonization to prevent ICU infection. (2013) (668)
- Strategies to Prevent Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections in Acute Care Hospitals (2008) (617)
- Outcome and attributable cost of ventilator-associated pneumonia among intensive care unit patients in a suburban medical center* (2003) (579)
- Strategies to Prevent Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Acute Care Hospitals (2008) (535)
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bloodstream Infection: Importance of Appropriate Initial Antimicrobial Treatment (2005) (516)
- Experience with a clinical guideline for the treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia (2001) (504)
- Characteristics and circumstances of falls in a hospital setting (2004) (497)
- Strategies to Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Acute Care Hospitals (2008) (465)
- Risk factors for surgical site infection in spinal surgery. (2003) (428)
- The emotional impact of medical errors on practicing physicians in the United States and Canada. (2007) (403)
- The occurrence of ventilator-associated pneumonia in a community hospital: risk factors and clinical outcomes. (2001) (348)
- Early versus late enteral feeding of mechanically ventilated patients: results of a clinical trial. (2002) (340)
- Strategies to Prevent Clostridium difficile Infections in Acute Care Hospitals (2008) (337)
- Attributable cost of catheter-associated bloodstream infections among intensive care patients in a nonteaching hospital* (2006) (332)
- Effect of an education program on decreasing catheter-related bloodstream infections in the surgical intensive care unit (2002) (318)
- Antibiotic Resistance in the Intensive Care Unit (2001) (318)
- Effect of an education program aimed at reducing the occurrence of ventilator-associated pneumonia* (2002) (315)
- A randomized controlled trial of an antibiotic discontinuation policy for clinically suspected ventilator-associated pneumonia. (2004) (307)
- The impact of nosocomial infections on patient outcomes following cardiac surgery. (1997) (304)
- Scheduled change of antibiotic classes: a strategy to decrease the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia. (1997) (299)
- Ventilator-associated pneumonia in pediatric intensive care unit patients: risk factors and outcomes. (2002) (291)
- Clostridium difficile--associated disease in a setting of endemicity: identification of novel risk factors. (2007) (273)
- The effect of an education program on the incidence of central venous catheter-associated bloodstream infection in a medical ICU. (2004) (270)
- An educational intervention to reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia in an integrated health system: a comparison of effects. (2004) (270)
- The clinical and economic impact of deep chest surgical site infections following coronary artery bypass graft surgery. (2000) (262)
- Executive Summary: A Compendium of Strategies to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections in Acute Care Hospitals (2008) (259)
- Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infection After Low Transverse Cesarean Section (2008) (257)
- Choosing your words carefully: how physicians would disclose harmful medical errors to patients. (2006) (235)
- A case-control study of patient, medication, and care-related risk factors for inpatient falls (2005) (231)
- US and Canadian physicians' attitudes and experiences regarding disclosing errors to patients. (2006) (218)
- The effect of daily bathing with chlorhexidine on the acquisition of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus, and healthcare-associated bloodstream infections: Results of a quasi-experimental multicenter trial* (2009) (216)
- Ventilator-associated pneumonia in extremely preterm neonates in a neonatal intensive care unit: characteristics, risk factors, and outcomes. (2003) (214)
- Herpes zoster risk factors in a national cohort of veterans with rheumatoid arthritis. (2009) (208)
- Hospital-associated costs due to surgical site infection after breast surgery. (2008) (206)
- Strategies to Prevent Transmission of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Acute Care Hospitals (2008) (204)
- Risk factors for surgical site infection after major breast operation. (2008) (201)
- Mechanical Ventilation with or without 7-Day Circuit Changes (1995) (196)
- Blastomycosis in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. (1992) (196)
- The risk factors for deep and superficial chest surgical-site infections after coronary artery bypass graft surgery are different. (2002) (191)
- Short- and long-term attributable costs of Clostridium difficile-associated disease in nonsurgical inpatients. (2008) (190)
- Inadequate treatment of nosocomial infections is associated with certain empiric antibiotic choices (2000) (189)
- Reporting of medical errors: An intensive care unit experience (2004) (181)
- Rate, risk factors, and outcomes of nosocomial primary bloodstream infection in pediatric intensive care unit patients. (2002) (178)
- ICD-9 Codes and Surveillance for Clostridium difficile–associated Disease (2006) (177)
- Attributable Outcomes of Endemic Clostridium difficile–associated Disease in Nonsurgical Patients (2008) (169)
- Patterns and Predictors of Inpatient Falls and Fall-Related Injuries in a Large Academic Hospital (2005) (168)
- Attributable Cost of Nosocomial Primary Bloodstream Infection in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Patients (2005) (168)
- Prevalence of Clostridium difficile environmental contamination and strain variability in multiple health care facilities. (2007) (165)
- Hospital mortality for patients with bacteremia due to Staphylococcus aureus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (2004) (159)
- Multivariate analysis of risk factors for deep and superficial sternal infection after coronary artery bypass grafting at a tertiary care medical center. (2004) (155)
- 1236The Preventability of Ventilator-Associated Events: The CDC Prevention Epicenters' Wake Up and Breathe Collaborative (2014) (148)
- The Attitudes and Experiences of Trainees Regarding Disclosing Medical Errors to Patients (2008) (145)
- Reporting and disclosing medical errors: pediatricians' attitudes and behaviors. (2007) (144)
- Mechanical ventilation with or without daily changes of in-line suction catheters. (1997) (142)
- Circumstances of Patient Falls and Injuries In 9 Hospitals In a Midwestern Healthcare System (2007) (141)
- Contamination of flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopes with Mycobacterium chelonae linked to an automated bronchoscope disinfection machine. (1992) (140)
- Effectiveness of education and an antibiotic-control program in a tertiary care hospital in Thailand. (2005) (138)
- Atypical Avian Influenza (H5N1) (2004) (134)
- Evaluation of Clostridium difficile-associated disease pressure as a risk factor for C difficile-associated disease. (2007) (134)
- Brief report: Hospitalized patients’ attitudes about and participation in error prevention (2006) (134)
- Prevalence of the Use of Central Venous Access Devices Within and Outside of the Intensive Care Unit: Results of a Survey Among Hospitals in the Prevention Epicenter Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2003) (133)
- An educational intervention to prevent catheter-associated bloodstream infections in a nonteaching, community medical center* (2003) (132)
- A Multicenter Intervention to Prevent Catheter-Associated Bloodstream Infections (2006) (132)
- Is Influenza an Influenza-Like Illness? Clinical Presentation of Influenza in Hospitalized Patients (2006) (131)
- Enhanced Identification of Postoperative Infections among Inpatients (2004) (130)
- Household versus individual approaches to eradication of community-associated Staphylococcus aureus in children: a randomized trial. (2012) (130)
- Using focus groups to understand physicians' and nurses' perspectives on error reporting in hospitals. (2004) (126)
- The impact of prebiopsy antibiotics on pathogen recovery in hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis. (2008) (126)
- The epidemiology of chest and leg wound infections following cardiothoracic surgery. (1996) (125)
- Assessment of Healthcare Worker Protocol Deviations and Self-Contamination During Personal Protective Equipment Donning and Doffing (2017) (124)
- The impact of comorbidity on mortality following in-hospital diagnosis of tuberculosis. (1998) (124)
- Estimating the prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome and associated symptoms in the community. (1992) (120)
- Rapid development of resistance to clarithromycin following monotherapy for disseminated Mycobacterium chelonae infection in a heart transplant patient. (1995) (118)
- Tuberculosis infection and anergy in hemodialysis patients. (1998) (117)
- Staphylococcus aureus Nasal Colonization and Subsequent Infection in Intensive Care Unit Patients: Does Methicillin Resistance Matter? (2010) (117)
- Mupirocin resistance in patients colonized with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a surgical intensive care unit. (2007) (115)
- Cycling empirical antimicrobial agents to prevent emergence of antimicrobial-resistant Gram-negative bacteria among intensive care unit patients (2004) (114)
- Improving methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus surveillance and reporting in intensive care units. (2007) (113)
- Do clinical features allow for accurate prediction of fungal pathogenesis in bloodstream infections? Potential implications of the increasing prevalence of non-albicans candidemia (2007) (107)
- The impact of bedside behavior on catheter-related bacteremia in the intensive care unit. (2004) (107)
- Multicenter Study of Clostridium difficile Infection Rates from 2000 to 2006 (2010) (105)
- Effectiveness of Multifaceted Hospitalwide Quality Improvement Programs Featuring an Intervention to Remove Unnecessary Urinary Catheters at a Tertiary Care Center in Thailand (2007) (104)
- Compliance with universal precautions among emergency department personnel caring for trauma patients. (1999) (103)
- Nosocomial primary bloodstream infections in intensive care unit patients in a nonteaching community medical center: a 21-month prospective study. (2001) (103)
- Eradication of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus From a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit by Active Surveillance and Aggressive Infection Control Measures (2005) (101)
- Influenza Vaccination among Healthcare Workers: Ten-Year Experience of a Large Healthcare Organization (2010) (96)
- A multifaceted intervention to reduce pandrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii colonization and infection in 3 intensive care units in a Thai tertiary care center: a 3-year study. (2008) (95)
- Outpatient Antibiotic Prescription Trends in the United States: A National Cohort Study (2018) (93)
- Attributable Costs of Surgical Site Infection and Endometritis after Low Transverse Cesarean Delivery (2010) (93)
- The epidemiology of hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis: a cohort study in a tertiary care hospital (2010) (93)
- Development and Validation of a Clostridium difficile Infection Risk Prediction Model (2011) (93)
- DNA large restriction fragment patterns of sporadic and epidemic nosocomial strains of Mycobacterium chelonae and Mycobacterium abscessus (1993) (90)
- Risk Factors for Spinal Surgical-Site Infections in a Community Hospital: A Case–Control Study (2003) (89)
- Lost opportunities: how physicians communicate about medical errors. (2008) (84)
- Management of Healthcare Workers Infected With Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or Other Bloodborne Pathogens (1997) (83)
- Epidemiology of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Colonization in a Surgical Intensive Care Unit (2006) (82)
- Risk Factors for Nosocomial Primary Bloodstream Infection in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Patients: A 2-Year Prospective Cohort Study (2006) (82)
- Effectiveness of an educational program to reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia in a tertiary care center in Thailand: a 4-year study. (2007) (82)
- Initial inappropriate urinary catheters use in a tertiary-care center: incidence, risk factors, and outcomes. (2007) (82)
- Catheter-Associated Bloodstream Infections in General Medical Patients Outside the Intensive Care Unit: A Surveillance Study (2007) (81)
- Patient concerns about medical errors in emergency departments. (2005) (78)
- Delays in the Suspicion and Treatment of Tuberculosis among Hospitalized Patients (1999) (78)
- An expert system for culture-based infection control surveillance. (1993) (77)
- Survey of Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Healthcare Workers Regarding Nosocomial Infections, Central Venous Catheter Care, and Hand Hygiene (2004) (76)
- Risk Factors for a Positive Tuberculin Skin Test among Employees of an Urban, Midwestern Teaching Hospital (1995) (76)
- Developing a Risk Stratification Model for Surgical Site Infection after Abdominal Hysterectomy (2009) (76)
- Occurrence of Co-colonization or Co-Infection with Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a Medical Intensive Care Unit (2004) (75)
- Clostridium difficile‐associated disease in allogeneic hematopoietic stem‐cell transplant recipients: risk associations, protective associations, and outcomes (2010) (74)
- Intermittent episodes of detectable HIV viremia in patients receiving nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor-based or protease inhibitor-based highly active antiretroviral therapy regimens are equivalent in incidence and prognosis. (2005) (74)
- Case-Control Study of Clinical Features of Influenza in Hospitalized Patients (2008) (73)
- Use of personal protective equipment and operating room behaviors in four surgical subspecialties: personal protective equipment and behaviors in surgery. (1999) (73)
- Safe Medication Prescribing: Training and Experience of Medical Students and Housestaff at a Large Teaching Hospital (2005) (73)
- Preventing Catheter-Associated Bloodstream Infections: A Survey of Policies for Insertion and Care of Central Venous Catheters From Hospitals in the Prevention Epicenter Program (2006) (72)
- Nosocomial infection and pseudoinfection from contaminated endoscopes and bronchoscopes--Wisconsin and Missouri. (1991) (72)
- Seroprevalence of anti-H5 antibody among Thai health care workers after exposure to avian influenza (H5N1) in a tertiary care center. (2005) (72)
- Patients' concerns about medical errors during hospitalization. (2007) (70)
- Improved surveillance for surgical site infections after orthopedic implantation procedures: extending applications for automated data. (2009) (68)
- Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in a Multi-Hospital System Differences in Microbiology by Location (2003) (68)
- An evaluation of dental antibiotic prescribing practices in the United States. (2017) (67)
- Intervention to Prevent Falls on the Medical Service in a Teaching Hospital (2008) (66)
- Medical error disclosure among pediatricians: choosing carefully what we might say to parents. (2008) (66)
- Patient safety event reporting in critical care: A study of three intensive care units* (2007) (65)
- Attributable Costs of Enterococcal Bloodstream Infections in a Nonsurgical Hospital Cohort (2010) (65)
- Risk Factors For Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia Bacteremia In Oncology Patients: A Case–Control Study (2003) (64)
- Gram-negative bacteraemia in non-ICU patients: factors associated with inadequate antibiotic therapy and impact on outcomes. (2008) (64)
- Use of Medicare Diagnosis and Procedure Codes to Improve Detection of Surgical Site Infections following Hip Arthroplasty, Knee Arthroplasty, and Vascular Surgery (2012) (64)
- Multicenter Study of Surveillance for Hospital-Onset Clostridium difficile Infection by the Use of ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes (2010) (63)
- Herpes simplex virus from respiratory tract secretions: epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and outcome in immunocompromised and nonimmunocompromised hosts. (1993) (62)
- Surgical site infections after arthroscopy: Outbreak investigation and case control study. (2003) (62)
- Potentially Pathogenic Bacteria in Shower Water and Air of a Stem Cell Transplant Unit (2009) (61)
- Staphylococcus aureus colonization in children with community-associated Staphylococcus aureus skin infections and their household contacts. (2012) (61)
- Evaluation of Rooms with Negative Pressure Ventilation Used for Respiratory Isolation in Seven Midwestern Hospitals (1993) (60)
- Results of a Comprehensive Infection Control Program for Reducing Surgical-Site Infections in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (1999) (59)
- Compliance with Universal Precautions among emergency department personnel: implications for prevention programs. (1999) (59)
- Effect of Nosocomial Infections Due to Antibiotic-Resistant Organisms on Length of Stay and Mortality in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (2007) (59)
- The Epidemiology of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus Colonization in a Medical Intensive Care Unit (2003) (58)
- Duration of stool colonization in patients infected with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. (2008) (58)
- Risk factors for leg harvest surgical site infections after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. (2003) (58)
- Effectiveness of a catheter-associated bloodstream infection bundle in a Thai tertiary care center: a 3-year study. (2010) (57)
- Postarthroscopy surgical site infections: review of the literature. (2002) (57)
- A prospective randomized trial comparing manual and automated endoscope disinfection methods. (1993) (56)
- Clinical utility of blood cultures drawn from central vein catheters and peripheral venipuncture in critically ill medical patients. (2003) (56)
- How trainees would disclose medical errors: educational implications for training programmes (2011) (54)
- Effectiveness of environmental and infection control programs to reduce transmission of Clostridium difficile. (2004) (53)
- Risk of Hospital-Acquired Legionnaires' Disease in Cities Using Monochloramine Versus Other Water Disinfectants (2003) (52)
- Contamination of environmental surfaces with Staphylococcus aureus in households with children infected with methicillin-resistant S aureus. (2014) (51)
- Case-Control Study of Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgical Site Infections (2008) (50)
- Nonrandom Selection and The Attributable Cost of Surgical-Site Infections (2002) (50)
- Varying Rates of Clostridium Difficile-Associated Diarrhea at Prevention Epicenter Hospitals (2005) (50)
- Factors associated with the treatment of latent tuberculosis infection among health-care workers at a midwestern teaching hospital. (2002) (49)
- Nosocomial outbreak of gastroenteritis due to Salmonella senftenberg. (1996) (49)
- Risk Factors for Endometritis after Low Transverse Cesarean Delivery (2010) (49)
- Risk managers, physicians, and disclosure of harmful medical errors. (2010) (48)
- The influence of infection on hospital mortality for patients requiring > 48 h of intensive care. (2003) (48)
- Comparison of Wound Complications After Immediate, Delayed, and Secondary Breast Reconstruction Procedures (2017) (48)
- Implementing a Commercial Rule Base as a Medication Order Safety Net (2003) (47)
- Increased Risk of Surgical Site Infection Among Breast-Conserving Surgery Re-excisions (2014) (47)
- Contraceptive use and pregnancy decision making among women with HIV. (1999) (47)
- Incidence of Surgical Site Infection Following Mastectomy With and Without Immediate Reconstruction Using Private Insurer Claims Data (2015) (47)
- Beyond 30 Days: Does Limiting the Duration of Surgical Site Infection Follow-up Limit Detection? (2012) (45)
- Severity of Clostridium difficile–Associated Disease (CDAD) in Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients: Evaluation of a CDAD Severity Grading System (2007) (44)
- Postexposure Prophylaxis Against Varicella-Zoster Virus Infection Among Recipients of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: Unresolved Issues (2004) (43)
- Screening of Physicians for Tuberculosis (1994) (43)
- Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infection After Cholecystectomy (2017) (43)
- A survey of women with HIV about their expectations for care. (1997) (42)
- Antimicrobial Use and the Influence of Inadequate Empiric Antimicrobial Therapy on the Outcomes of Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (2004) (41)
- Enhanced Surgical Site Infection Surveillance Following Hysterectomy, Vascular, and Colorectal Surgery (2012) (41)
- The impact of ICD-9-CM code rank order on the estimated prevalence of Clostridium difficile infections. (2009) (41)
- Procedure-specific surgical site infection incidence varies widely within certain National Healthcare Safety Network surgery groups. (2015) (40)
- Sources Influencing Patients in Their HIV Medication Decisions (2001) (40)
- Presence of the KPC Carbapenemase Gene in Enterobacteriaceae Causing Bacteremia and Its Correlation with In Vitro Carbapenem Susceptibility (2008) (40)
- Effects of an Antibiotic Cycling Program on Antibiotic Prescribing Practices in an Intensive Care Unit (2004) (40)
- Sexually transmitted disease acquisition among women infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. (1998) (39)
- Delayed-Onset Cytomegalovirus Disease Coded During Hospital Readmission After Kidney Transplantation (2014) (39)
- Use of Medicare Claims to Rank Hospitals by Surgical Site Infection Risk following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery (2011) (38)
- A Crossover Intervention Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of a Chlorhexidine-Impregnated Sponge in Reducing Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections among Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis (2010) (38)
- A new safety event reporting system improves physician reporting in the surgical intensive care unit. (2006) (38)
- A Multicenter Study of Clostridium difficile Infection—Related Colectomy, 2000—2006 (2012) (37)
- Infection control measures to limit antimicrobial resistance (2001) (36)
- Healthcare Workers' Attitudes and Compliance With Universal Precautions Gender, Occupation, and Specialty Differences (1997) (36)
- Reporting and classification of patient safety events in a cardiothoracic intensive care unit and cardiothoracic postoperative care unit. (2005) (36)
- Randomized Prospective Study of the Impact of Three Needleless Intravenous Systems on Needlestick Injury Rates (1996) (35)
- Inappropriate Antibiotic Use in a Tertiary Care Center in Thailand: An Incidence Study and Review of Experience in Thailand (2006) (35)
- Daily Bathing with Chlorhexidine-Based Soap and the Prevention of Staphylococcus aureus Transmission and Infection (2014) (35)
- Comparison of Costs of Surgical Site Infection and Endometritis after Cesarean Delivery Using Claims and Medical Record Data (2010) (34)
- Inappropriate Use of Antifungal Medications in a Tertiary Care Center in Thailand: A Prospective Study (2008) (33)
- Impact of a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus active surveillance program on contact precaution utilization in a surgical intensive care unit* (2007) (33)
- Development of a Risk Prediction Model to Individualize Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infection After Mastectomy (2016) (33)
- Stenotrophomonas maltophilia intestinal colonization in hospitalized oncology patients with diarrhea. (2003) (33)
- Effect of chlorhexidine/silver sulfadiazine-impregnated central venous catheters in an intensive care unit with a low blood stream infection rate after implementation of an educational program: a before-after trial. (2007) (32)
- Improved Compliance With Universal Precautions in the Operating Room Following an Educational Intervention (2001) (32)
- Between Community and Hospital: Healthcare-Associated Gram-Negative Bacteremia among Hospitalized Patients (2009) (32)
- Medications and Patient Characteristics Associated With Falling in the Hospital (2015) (31)
- Stratification of Surgical Site Infection by Operative Factors and Comparison of Infection Rates after Hernia Repair (2014) (31)
- Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Bacteremia and Sepsis on 5-year Risk of Cardiovascular Events. (2016) (31)
- A Central Line Care Maintenance Bundle for the Prevention of Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infection in Non–Intensive Care Unit Settings (2016) (31)
- Identification of a Pseudo-Outbreak of Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI) and the Effect of Repeated Testing, Sensitivity, and Specificity on Perceived Prevalence of CDI (2009) (30)
- Factors associated with HIV-infected patients' recognition and use of HIV medications. (1998) (30)
- High Frequency of Pseudobacteremia at a University Hospital (1997) (29)
- Evaluation of Clinical Research Training Programs Using the Clinical Research Appraisal Inventory (2010) (29)
- Use of Diagnosis Codes and/or Wound Culture Results for Surveillance of Surgical Site Infection after Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction (2010) (28)
- Use of Quantile Regression to Determine the Impact on Total Health Care Costs of Surgical Site Infections Following Common Ambulatory Procedures (2017) (28)
- Research Paper: Monitoring Expert System Performance Using Continuous User Feedback (1996) (28)
- The impact of an antibiotic cycling program on empirical therapy for gram-negative infections. (2006) (27)
- Reducing the risk of health care-associated infections by complying with CDC hand hygiene guidelines. (2005) (27)
- Quantifying the improvement in sepsis diagnosis, documentation, and coding: the marginal causal effect of year of hospitalization on sepsis diagnosis. (2016) (27)
- Disclosure of HIV status to medical providers: differences by gender, "race," and immune function. (2000) (27)
- Starting to Learn About the Costs of Nosocomial Infections in the New Millennium: Where Do We Go From Here? (2002) (26)
- Review: Statistical Process Control Methods for Expert System Performance Monitoring (1996) (26)
- Differences in Percutaneous Injury Patterns in A Multi-Hospital System (2003) (26)
- Multicenter Study of the Impact of Community-Onset Clostridium difficile Infection on Surveillance for C. difficile Infection (2009) (25)
- The clinical impact of fluoroquinolone resistance in patients with E coli bacteremia. (2011) (24)
- Assessment of inappropriate antibiotic prescribing among a large cohort of general dentists in the United States. (2018) (24)
- Outbreak of Salmonella javiana Infection at a Children's Hospital (2006) (23)
- Does Clinical Experience Affect Medical Students' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Compliance With Universal Precautions? (1998) (22)
- Catheter removal versus retention in the management of catheter-associated enterococcal bloodstream infections. (2009) (22)
- Randomized Controlled Trial to Determine the Impact of Probiotic Administration on Colonization With Multidrug-Resistant Organisms in Critically Ill Patients (2015) (21)
- The Prospective Role of Transesophageal Echocardiography in the Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Suspected Infective Endocarditis (2003) (21)
- Evaluation of a preclinical, educational and skills-training program to improve students' use of blood and body fluid precautions: one-year follow-up. (1999) (20)
- Hospital-Associated Clostridium difficile Infection: Is It Necessary to Track Community-Onset Disease? (2009) (20)
- A pilot study of the management of uncomplicated candidemia with a standardized protocol of amphotericin B. (1999) (20)
- Two cases of blastomycosis from a common source: use of DNA restriction analysis to identify strains. (1991) (20)
- Mortality associated with bloodstream infection after coronary artery bypass surgery. (2008) (19)
- Effect of Noninfectious Wound Complications after Mastectomy on Subsequent Surgical Procedures and Early Implant Loss. (2016) (19)
- Impact of Knowledge and Positive Attitudes About Avian Influenza (H5N1 Virus Infection) on Infection Control and Influenza Vaccination Practices of Thai Healthcare Workers (2008) (19)
- Reporting of Adverse Drug Events: Examination of a Hospital Incident Reporting System (2005) (19)
- An Innovative Program to Support Gender Equity and Success in Academic Medicine: Early Experiences From the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation's Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists (2018) (19)
- Tuberculin skin testing of physicians at a midwestern teaching hospital: a 6-year prospective study. (2001) (18)
- National survey: Risk managers' attitudes and experiences regarding patient safety and error disclosure (2006) (18)
- Feasibility and efficacy of infection-control interventions to reduce the number of nosocomial infections and drug-resistant microorganisms in developing countries: what else do we need? (2009) (18)
- Ambulatory Care-sensitive Conditions: Clinical Outcomes and Impact on Intensive Care Unit Resource Use (2003) (18)
- Implementing Automated Surveillance for Tracking Clostridium difficile Infection at Multiple Healthcare Facilities (2012) (18)
- Temporal trends in the systemic inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis, and medical coding of sepsis (2015) (17)
- Incidence, risk factors, and outcomes of delayed-onset cytomegalovirus disease in a large, retrospective cohort of heart transplant recipients. (2014) (17)
- Reducing medication prescribing errors in a teaching hospital. (2008) (17)
- Modification of claims-based measures improves identification of comorbidities in non-elderly women undergoing mastectomy for breast cancer: a retrospective cohort study (2016) (16)
- Strategies for use of a limited influenza vaccine supply. (2005) (16)
- Tuberculin Skin Testing of Hospitalized Patients (1997) (16)
- Emergency Department Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) Incidence in the Era of Prevention Practices. (2015) (16)
- Women with HIV: conflicts and synergy of prayer within the realm of medical care. (2000) (16)
- Issues Relevant to the Adoption and Modification of Hospital Infection-Control Recommendations for Avian Influenza (H5N1 Infection) in Developing Countries (2007) (15)
- Tuberculin skin test and isoniazid prophylaxis among health care workers in high tuberculosis prevalence areas. (2011) (15)
- Molecular epidemiology of mucosal candidiasis in HIV-positive women. (1997) (15)
- Evaluation of rooms with negative pressure ventilation used for respiratory isolation in seven midwestern hospitals. (1993) (15)
- Risk for Clostridium difficile Infection After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Remains Elevated in the Postengraftment Period (2017) (15)
- Creating a cohort area to limit transmission of pandrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in a Thai tertiary care center. (2009) (14)
- Compliance With Universal Precautions Among Medical Students in a Tertiary Care Center in Thailand (2006) (14)
- Results of a rubella screening program for hospital employees: a five-year review (1986-1990). (1993) (14)
- Case Report: Implementing a Commercial Rule Base as a Medication Order Safety Net (2005) (14)
- Rates and Timing of Central Venous Cannulation Among Patients With Sepsis and Respiratory Arrest Admitted by the Emergency Department* (2014) (14)
- Women with HIV infection: A model of university-based care, training and research (2002) (14)
- The business of health care epidemiology: creating a vision for service excellence. (2002) (13)
- Case-Control Study of Surgical Site Infections Associated With Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators (2007) (13)
- Results of a Comprehensive Infection Control Program for Reducing Surgical-Site Infections in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: Further Data From the Authors (1999) (13)
- Antiviral Treatment for Patients Hospitalized with Severe Influenza Infection May Affect Clinical Outcomes (2008) (13)
- Is central venous catheter tips' colonization with multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii a predictor for bacteremia? (2011) (13)
- Can Additional Information Be Obtained from Claims Data to Support Surgical Site Infection Diagnosis Codes? (2014) (12)
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- Reply to Babouee et al (2011) (0)
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