
Vigdis Songe-Møller

Most Influential Person Now

Norwegian philosopher

Vigdis Songe-Møller's Academic­ Rankings

Vigdis Songe-Møller
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Philosophy

Why Is Vigdis Songe-Møller Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Vigdis Songe-Møller is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Bergen. Songe-Møller's Philosophy without Women was a feminist exploration of ancient philosophy. Her own experience as a pregnant woman – for whom "the Parmenidean idea of all things existing ultimately as one and self-identical is, to say the least, far from self-evident" – led her to investigate connections between "the Greek philosophers' ideals of unity, self-identity and eternity and their attitudes towards sexuality, reproduction and sexual difference."

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Vigdis Songe-Møller?

Vigdis Songe-Møller is affiliated with the following schools: