
Vitaly Shevoroshkin

Most Influential Person Now

American linguist

Vitaly Shevoroshkin's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Vitaly Shevoroshkin Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Vitaly Victorovich Shevoroshkin is an American linguist of Russian origin, specializing in the study of ancient Mediterranean languages. Shevoroshkin was born in 1932 in Georgia . In the 1960s he tried to decipher Carian inscriptions and proved that their language belonged to the Anatolian languages. In the 1970s he emigrated to the United States. He is now a professor emeritus of Slavic Languages and Literatures and Linguistics at the University of Michigan.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Vitaly Shevoroshkin?

Vitaly Shevoroshkin is affiliated with the following schools: