
Vivian Wade-Gery

Most Influential Person Across History

British classical archaeologist

Vivian Wade-Gery's Academic­ Rankings

Vivian Wade-Gery
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Vivian Wade-Gery's Degrees

Why Is Vivian Wade-Gery Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Vivian Wade-Gery was a British classical archaeologist. Career Whitfield studied Classics at Trinity College Dublin and Somerville College, Oxford, where she obtained a BA degree in 1924. She was subsequently appointed lecturer in Classics at the University of Reading, and in 1924 to 1925 she received a Gilchrist studentship to study at the British School at Athens to study Greek topgraphy. She spent the period 1927 to 1928 again at the British school at Athens, on leave from Reading and supported by the Bryce studentship, Lady Margaret Hall and the Ireland Trustees, this time studying Spartan art.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Vivian Wade-Gery?

Vivian Wade-Gery is affiliated with the following schools: