
Walther von La Roche

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German journalist and radio host

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Why Is Walther von La Roche Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Walther von La Roche was a German journalist, author and journalism teacher. Until 2006 he taught as Honorary Professor of Radio Journalism at the University of Leipzig. Life Walther von La Roche already gained his first journalistic experience as a student. After graduation in 1954, he began studying law at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, which he completed with the Assessor exam. In 1956 he received a scholarship from the Werner Friedmann Institute in Munich, the precursor of Deutsche Journalistenschule. From 1961 he worked full-time at Bayerischer Rundfunk as an editor and presenter. Until 1985, Walther von La Roche was also responsible for radio and television training at Bayerischer Rundfunk.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Walther von La Roche?

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