
Wesley A. Clark

Most Influential Person Now

American engineer

Wesley A. Clark's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

Wesley A. Clark
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USA Rank
Electrical Engineering
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
Applied Physics
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
engineering Degrees
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  • Engineering

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Why Is Wesley A. Clark Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Wesley Allison Clark was an American physicist who is credited for designing the first modern personal computer. He was also a computer designer and the main participant, along with Charles Molnar, in the creation of the LINC computer, which was the first minicomputer and shares with a number of other computers the claim to be the inspiration for the personal computer.

Other Resources About Wesley A. Clark

What Schools Are Affiliated With Wesley A. Clark?

Wesley A. Clark is affiliated with the following schools: