
William John McGee

Most Influential Person Across History

American geologist & anthropologist

William John McGee's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

William John McGee
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anthropology Degrees
William John McGee
Earth Sciences
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earth-sciences Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • Earth Sciences

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Why Is William John McGee Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, William John McGee, LL.D. was an American inventor, geologist, anthropologist, and ethnologist, born in Farley, Iowa. Biography While largely self-taught, McGee attended a rural one-room schoolhouse north of Farley during the four winter months from about 1858 to 1867. He devoted his early years to reading law and to surveying. He invented and patented several improvements on agricultural implements.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With William John McGee?

William John McGee is affiliated with the following schools: