
William M. Fields

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American primatologist

William M. Fields's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

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anthropology Degrees
William M. Fields
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biology Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • Biology

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Why Is William M. Fields Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, William M. Fields , also known by the lexigram , is an American qualitative investigator studying language, culture, and tools in non-human primates. He is best known for his collaboration with Sue Savage-Rumbaugh beginning in 1997 at the Language Research Center of Georgia State University. There he co-reared Nyota , a baby bonobo, with Panbanisha , Kanzi and Savage-Rumbaugh . Fields and Savage-Rumbaugh are the only scientists in the world carrying out language research with bonobos.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With William M. Fields?

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