
William Moir Calder

Most Influential Person Across History

1881-1960; Scottish archaeologist, epigraphist, classicist, and academic

William Moir Calder's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

William Moir Calder
Historical Rank
anthropology Degrees
William Moir Calder
Historical Rank
Classical Studies
Historical Rank
literature Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • Literature

Why Is William Moir Calder Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Sir William Moir Calder, FBA was a Scottish archaeologist, epigraphist, classicist, and academic. He was Hulme Professor of Greek at the University of Manchester from 1913 to 1930, and Professor of Greek at the University of Edinburgh from 1930 to 1951.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With William Moir Calder?

William Moir Calder is affiliated with the following schools: