William W. Howells
American anthropologist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, William White Howells was a professor of anthropology at Harvard University. Howells, grandson of the novelist William Dean Howells, was born in New York City, the son of John Mead Howells, the architect of the Chicago Tribune Tower, and Abby MacDougall White. He graduated with an S.B. in 1930 and obtained a doctorate from Harvard in 1934 and worked for the American Museum of Natural History. He lectured at the University of Wisconsin–Madison from 1937 to 1954, serving as a lieutenant in the Office of Naval Intelligence during World War II. He taught at Harvard from 1954 until his retirement in 1974.
William W. Howells's Published Works
Published Works
- Cranial Variation in Man: A Study by Multivariate Analysis of Patterns of Difference Among Recent Human Populations (1975) (608)
- Skull Shapes and the Map: Craniometric Analyses in the Dispersion of Modern Homo (1992) (341)
- The Fate of the "Classic" Neanderthals: A Consideration of Hominid Catastrophism [and Comments and Reply] (1964) (169)
- Howells' craniometric data on the Internet. (1996) (132)
- Who's Who in Skulls: Ethnic Identification of Crania from Measurements (1995) (131)
- Koobi fora research project, volume 4, hominid cranial remains (1993) (123)
- Upper Pleistocene Hominid Evolution in South-Central Europe: A Review of the Evidence and Analysis of Trends [and Comments and Reply] (1982) (117)
- Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1992) (112)
- Explaining modern man: Evolutionists Versus migrationists (1976) (106)
- Hominid Humeral Fragment from Early Pleistocene of Northwestern Kenya (1967) (106)
- The Pacific islanders (1976) (103)
- Australian Tooth-Size Clines and the Death of a Stereotype [and Comments and Reply] (1980) (95)
- Evolution of the genus homo (1973) (91)
- Implications of Border Cave Skeletal Remains for Later Pleistocene Human Evolution [and Comments and Reply] (1979) (89)
- Multivariate Statistical Methods in Physical Anthropology (1984) (83)
- Homo erectus—who, when and where: A survey (1980) (74)
- The use of multivariate techniques in the study of skeletal populations. (1969) (68)
- The Jomon population of Japan: A study by discriminant analysis of Japanese and Ainu crania. (1966) (63)
- The Solomon Islands Project : a long-term study of health, human biology, and culture change (1989) (59)
- Neanderthal Man: Facts and Figures (1975) (59)
- The cranial vault: factors of size and shape. (1957) (57)
- The Swarts ruin : a typical Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico : report of the Mimbres valley expedition, seasons of 1924-1927 (1932) (54)
- Neanderthals: Names, Hypotheses, and Scientific Method (1974) (45)
- Getting Here: The Story of Human Evolution (1993) (45)
- Factors of human physique. (1951) (45)
- The Antecedents of Man. An Introduction to the Evolution of the Primates. (1961) (44)
- Criteria for selection of osteometric dimensions. (1969) (43)
- The distribution of man. (1960) (42)
- Physical variation and history in Melanesia and Australia. (1976) (38)
- Did La Ferrassie I Use His Teeth as a Tool? [and Comments and Reply] (1975) (38)
- Correlations of brothers in factor scores. (1953) (36)
- Mankind So Far (1944) (35)
- Age changes and selective survival in Irish males (1951) (34)
- Les hommes fossiles de La Ferrassie, Vol. 1. Le Giesement. Les squelettes adultes (crâne et squelette du tronc). By Jean‐Louis Heim. Archives de l'Institut de Paléontologie Humaine, Mem. 35. Masson, Paris. 1976. $52.00 (paper). 31 pp., figures, tables (1978) (32)
- Physical Anthropology Of The Prehistoric Japanese (1986) (31)
- A factorial study of constitutional type. (1952) (31)
- Measurements and correlations on pelves of Indians of the soutelwest (1936) (30)
- Sapienization and Speech [and Comments and Reply] (1980) (30)
- Ideas on human evolution, selected essays, 1949-1961 (1962) (29)
- The influence of primary production on a raptor community in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe (1990) (28)
- Essays in Polynesian Ethnology. (1941) (28)
- Emotions and Bodily Changes. A Survey of Literature on Psychosomatic Interrelationships, 1910-1933. (1939) (26)
- Population Distances: Biological, Linguistic, Geographical, and Environmental [and Comments and Reply] (1966) (25)
- The Heathens: Primitive Man and His Religions (1962) (21)
- The designation of the principle anthrometric landmarks on the head and skull (1937) (18)
- Experiments in Civilization. The Effects of European Culture on a Native Community of the Solomon Islands. (1940) (18)
- The Effect of Primary Production on Breeding Success and Habitat Selection in the African Hawk-Eagle (1988) (16)
- Birth order and body size. (1948) (16)
- Micro-Evolution: Cultural Elements in Physical Variation (1957) (15)
- Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in eggs of some birds in Zimbabwe (1983) (14)
- The Pleistocene Epoch and the Evolution of Man [and Comments and Reply] (1968) (14)
- Catalogue of Fossil Hominids. Part III: Americas, Asia, Australasia. Kenneth Page Oakley , Bernard Grant Campbell , Theya Ivitsky Molleson (1976) (14)
- Biological Anthropology. (Book Reviews: The Measures of Man. Methodologies in Biological Anthropology) (1976) (12)
- Micronesia to Macromongolia: Micro-Polynesian craniometrics and the Mongoloid population complex. (1990) (12)
- Sixty Years of Modern Human Origins in the American Anthropological Association (2003) (12)
- Crania from Wyoming Resembling “Minnesota Man” (1938) (11)
- Early Hawaiians: An initial study of skeletal remains from Mokapu, Oahu. By Charles E. Snow. xi + 179 pp., figures, tables, bibliography, index. University Press of Kentucky, Lexington. 1974. $16.75 (cloth) (1976) (11)
- Anthropometry of the natives of Arnhem Land and the Australian race problem (1937) (11)
- Anthropometry and blood types in Fiji and the Solomon Islands. Anthropological papers of the AMNH ; v. 33, pt. 4 (1933) (11)
- Mankind in the Making: The Story of Human Evolution (1967) (10)
- Craniometry and multivariate analysis (1966) (10)
- Body measurements in the light of familial influences. (1949) (9)
- Multivariate statistical methods in physical anthropology : a review of recent advances and current developments (1984) (9)
- Ideas on Human Evolution (1967) (8)
- 5. Homo erectus in human descent: ideas and problems (1981) (8)
- Back of History The Story of Our Own Origins (1954) (8)
- The iron age population of Great Britain (1937) (6)
- Hutterite age differences in body measurements (1970) (5)
- Applications of Multivariate Analysis to Cranio-facial Growth (1971) (5)
- Age of the Skeleton from the Lagow Sand Pit, Texas (1961) (5)
- Implications of Border Cave Skeletal Remains for Later Pleistocene Human Evolution1 (2008) (5)
- The Study of Anthropology (1952) (4)
- Universality and Variation in Human Nature (1955) (3)
- Linkage studies in morphological traits. (1956) (3)
- Graduate training in physical anthropology: Report of the AAPA study committee (1971) (3)
- Evolution after Darwin. vol. 2, The Evolution of Man: Mind, Culture, and Society. Sol Tax, Ed. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, III., 1960. viii + 473 pp. lllus. $10 (1960) (3)
- Albert Damon 1918-1973. (1973) (3)
- Craniometric and Linguistic Grouping of Selected North American and Asian Peoples (1979) (3)
- Habitat preference, breeding success and the effect of primary productivity on Tawny Eagles Aquila rapax in the tropics (2008) (3)
- Recent Physical Anthropology (1970) (3)
- Physical anthropology as a technique (1943) (3)
- The Processes of Ongoing Human Evolution (1961) (3)
- The Prehistoric Craniology of Britain (1938) (3)
- Viking Fund Medalists 1954 (1955) (2)
- Some Present Aspects of Physical Anthropology (1965) (2)
- Is our future limited by our past? (1992) (2)
- The heathens : primitive man and his religions / by William Howells (1948) (2)
- Origin of the human stock; concluding remarks of the chairman. (1950) (2)
- The techniques of measuring auricular height in the living (1938) (2)
- The meaning of the Neanderthals in human evolution (1988) (2)
- Skull Shapes and the Map: Craniometric Analyses in the Dispersion of Modern Homo@@@Human Adult Odontometrics. The Study of Variation in Adult Tooth Size (1992) (2)
- Early man in the Far East : a symposium of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and the American Anthropological Association, December 28, 1946, sponsored by the Viking Fund (1949) (1)
- Giant early man from Java and South China. By Franz Weidenreich. Anthrop. Papers Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., N. Y., vol. 40, pt. 1, 134 pp., 12 plates, 28 text figures, 19 tables, 1945. ($2.00) (1946) (1)
- Adolph Schultz 1891-1976. (1977) (1)
- Genetics, Paleontology, and Evolution (1950) (1)
- The Importance of Being Human (2005) (1)
- PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Migration and Environment. H. L. Shapiro. (1939) (1)
- Franz Weidenreich, 1873–1948 (1981) (1)
- Hallam L Movius, Jr. 1907-1987 (1990) (1)
- Notes and Comments Howells' Craniometric Data on the Internet (1996) (1)
- Indians before Columbus. Twenty thousand years of North American history revealed by archaeology. By Paul S. Martin, George I. Quimby, and Donald Collier. The University of Chicago Press, xxiii + 582 pp, 122 text illustrations, 1947 ($6.00) (1947) (1)
- The human species (1960) (1)
- The meaning of race (1974) (1)
- EUROPE AND ASIA: Contributions to the Anthropology of Iran. Henry Field (1941) (0)
- Apes, Giants and Man. Franz Weidenreich. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1946. vii+122 pages, 90 text figures, $2.50. (1947) (0)
- GENERAL: Les Processus de L'Hominisation (Paris, 19–23 Mai 1958): The Evolution of Man's Capacity for Culture. J. N. Spuhler and others. Summary by Leslie A White (1960) (0)
- The story of peking man. By Jia Lanpo and Huang Weiwen. New York: Oxford University Press. 1990. vii + 270 pp. ISBN 0‐19‐585118‐9. $29.95 (cloth) (1991) (0)
- Obituary: Harry Lionel Shapiro (1902–1990) (1990) (0)
- Book Review:The Leopard's Spots. Scientific Attitudes toward Race in America, 1815-59 William Stanton (1961) (0)
- Bite‐Size Anthropology Ahead? (1994) (0)
- Body measurements in the light of familial influences. (1948) (0)
- Man's Share in His Own Evolution (1964) (0)
- Birth interval and body size. (1953) (0)
- Eugene Dubois and the ape-man from Java. By Bert Theunissen. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group. 1988. xi + 216 pp., figures, notes, index. $49.00 (cloth) (1990) (0)
- Mankind so For. Mangs History Past, Present, and Probable Futute (1944) (0)
- : Anthropological Observations on the Central Eskimos . Kaj Birket-Smith. (1942) (0)
- Morphological integration. By Everett C. Olson and Robert C. Miller. Pp. xvi+317 $10.00. University of Chicago Press, 1958 (1958) (0)
- Sapienization and Speech by Grover S (2010) (0)
- Multivariate Methods in Physical Anthropology. (1985) (0)
- "Multivariate Statistical Methods in Physical Anthropology", G. N. van Vark, W. W. Howells, Boston-Lancaster 1984 : [recenzja] / J. Piontek. (1985) (0)
- Religion: Its Nature and Functions@@@The Heathens: Primitive Man and His Religious (1949) (0)
- The Biology of the Race Problem (2012) (0)
- Notes on Blood-Groups and Race in the Pacific. (1933) (0)
- Physical Anthropology: Form and Pattern in Human Evolution: Some Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Approaches. CHARLES OXNARD (1975) (0)
- Metric trends in hominid dental evolution. By Milford H. Wolpoff. xii + 244 pp., tables, bibliography. Studies in Anthropology No. 2, Case Western Reserve University Press, Cleveland. 1971. $5.95(paper) (1974) (0)
- PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: The Foundations of Human Evolution. Wilfrid E. Le Gros Clark (1960) (0)
- Anthropology and Religion (The Terry Lectures). (1940) (0)
- Man in the beginning : the story of our own origins (1956) (0)
- Sprightly and Readable: Mankind So Far (1946) (0)
- The Seven Caves. Archaeological Explorations in the Middle East. Carleton S. Coon. (1957) (0)
- Aping Monkeys with Mathematics (2009) (0)
- The emergence of modern humans: Biocultural adaptations in the later pleistocene. Edited by Erik Trinkaus. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1990. xv + 285 pp., $49.50 (cloth) (1991) (0)
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