
Yervand Lalayan

Most Influential Person Across History

Armenian ethnographer, folklorist and archaeologist

Yervand Lalayan's Academic­ Rankings

Yervand Lalayan
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

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Why Is Yervand Lalayan Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Yervand Lalayan was an Armenian ethnographer, archaeologist, folklorist. He was also the founder and the first director of the History Museum of Armenia from 1919 to 1927. Biography In 1885 he left Tiflis's Nersisian School and worked in Akhaltsikhe, Akhalkalaki, and Alexandropol as a teacher. In 1894 ending the faculty of social sciences in the University of Geneva. Receiving the level of Candidate of sociological sciences, he worked for the Mkhitarians of Venice.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Yervand Lalayan?

Yervand Lalayan is affiliated with the following schools: