
Yılmaz Büyükerşen

Most Influential Person Now

Turkish politician, sculptor and academic

Yılmaz Büyükerşen's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

Yılmaz Büyükerşen
Political Science
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political-science Degrees
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  • Political Science

Yılmaz Büyükerşen's Degrees

Why Is Yılmaz Büyükerşen Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Yılmaz Büyükerşen is a Turkish politician, educator and current mayor of Eskişehir. Biography Büyükerşen graduated from the Eskişehir Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences in 1962. During his academy years, he worked as a reporter, columnist, caricaturist and editor in various newspapers. With his friends from the academy, he established a chamber theatre and later a municipal theatre with funds raised by selling their blood to blood banks.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Yılmaz Büyükerşen?

Yılmaz Büyükerşen is affiliated with the following schools: