Norwich University
Norwich University Featured Rankings
- #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity in Vermont
- #1 Best Online MBAs Vermont
- #1 Fastest Accelerated Online Bachelor's of Cybersecurity
- #2 Vermont's Best Online Master's Degrees
- #2 Vermont's Best Online Colleges 2022
- #4 Best Colleges in Vermont 2022
- #4 Best Private Colleges in Vermont 2022
- #4 Best Small Colleges in Vermont 2022
- #4 Best Liberal Arts Colleges in Vermont 2022
- #49 Non-GMAT Online MBAs
About Norwich University
According to Wikipedia, Norwich University – The Military College of Vermont is a private senior military college in Northfield, Vermont. It is the oldest private and senior military college in the United States and offers bachelor's and master's degrees on-campus and online. The university was founded in 1819 in Norwich, Vermont, as the American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy. It is the oldest of six senior military colleges and is recognized by the United States Department of Defense as the "Birthplace of ROTC" .
Norwich University's Online Degrees
Norwich University Admissions, Retention, and Graduation Information
Annual Applications | Acceptance | Graduation Rate |
4,268 | 83% | 61% |
How Much Does Norwich University Cost To Attend?
Tuition (in-state) |
$45,340 |
Income | Average Net Cost |
0 - 30K | $15,843 |
30K - 48K | $16,606 |
48K - 75K | $18,970 |
75K - 110K | $22,049 |
110K+ | $28,839 |
How Much Do Norwich University Graduates Make?
If you graduate from Norwich University, then you can expect to earn an average of $57,100 per year. You also have a 94% chance of being employed after 10 years.
Norwich University's Demographics
Demographic data is for full-time, on-campus students.
Student Body | Under-Grads | Graduates |
4,901 | 3,560 | 1,341 |
Where is Norwich University?
Norwich University is located at 158 Harmon Drive, Northfield VT 05663-1035
What Is Norwich University Known For?
Norwich University is known for it's academic work in the following disciplines:
- Engineering
- Political Science
- Earth Sciences
- History
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Communications
- Literature
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Education
- Business
- Criminal Justice
- Biology
- Medical
- Psychology
- Nursing
- Sociology
Norwich University's Top Areas of Influence With Degrees Offered
Who Are Norwich University's Most Influential Alumni?
Norwich University's most influential alumni include professors and professionals in the fields of Engineering, Criminal Justice, and History. Here are some of Norwich University's most famous alumni:
- George Dewey
- A United States Navy admiral.
- Gideon Welles
- A United States Secretary of the Navy from 1861 to 1869.
- Bill W.
- A Founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.
- Horatio Seymour
- An American politician .
- William Rutherford Mead
- An Architect .
- Tarak Nath Das
- An Indian revolutionary .
- Steve Levicoff
- An American writer.
- Horatio Wright
- A United States Army general .
- Alonzo Jackman
- An American educator.
- Edward H. Brooks
- An American Army general.
- Carlo D'Este
- An American military historian.
- Truman B. Ransom
- A United States Army officer .