
Cecilia Galante

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American writer

Cecilia Galante's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

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  • Literature

Why Is Cecilia Galante Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Cecilia Galante is a twenty-first century American author. Background Galante has a BA from King's College in Pennsylvania, and an MFA in creative writing from Goddard College in Vermont. Prior to becoming a successful author, she taught high school English and wrote a monthly book column for the Times Leader newspaper. In 2011, at a fundraising event for St. Martin's Ministry , Ms. Galante revealed that she was "once a needy mother with an infant daughter in a battered women’s shelter.”

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Cecilia Galante?

Cecilia Galante is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Cecilia Galante's Academic Contributions?

Cecilia Galante is most known for their academic work in the field of literature. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Cecilia Galante has made the following academic contributions: