
Emily Balskus

Most Influential Person Now

American synthetic biologist, chemist, and microbiologist

Emily Balskus's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

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chemistry Degrees
Emily Balskus
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Evolutionary Biology
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biology Degrees
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  • Chemistry
  • Biology

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Why Is Emily Balskus Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Emily P. Balskus is an American chemical biologist, enzymologist, microbiologist, and biochemist born in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1980. She has been on the faculty of the Chemistry and Chemical Biology department of Harvard University since 2011 and is currently the Morris Kahn Professor. She has published more than 80 peer-reviewed papers and three book chapters. Since 2012 she has been invited to give over 170 lectures, has held positions on various editorial boards, and served as a reviewer for ACS and Nature journals among others. Balskus also currently serves as a consultant for Novartis, Kintai Therapeutics, and Merck & Co.

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Emily Balskus's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Emily Balskus?

Emily Balskus is affiliated with the following schools: