
Mathieu Guidère

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Swiss academic

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Why Is Mathieu Guidère Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Mathieu Guidere is a full professor at the University of Paris and Research director at the French National Institute of Health . A scholar of Linguistics and Translation studies, he has held other professorships at prestigious institutions including the University of Geneva, Switzerland . Dr. Guidere is also the founder of the Swiss Non-governmental organization Multilingual International Mediators , and has been awarded a Fulbright Prize to advance his research on the psychology of terrorism. He has been also editor-in-chief of the French Journal of Languages' Professors, Les Langues Modernes. In 2015, he was also Team Leader of the European Union CVE Program in the Sub-Saharan Region. In 2017, he was also the UNOWAS Senior Expert in West Africa and the Sahel Region.

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Mathieu Guidère's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Mathieu Guidère?

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