
Nancy Springer

Most Influential Person Now

American author of fantasy, young adult literature, mystery, and science fiction

Nancy Springer's Academic­ Rankings

Nancy Springer
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history Degrees
Nancy Springer
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
mathematics Degrees
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  • History
  • Mathematics

Why Is Nancy Springer Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Nancy Springer is an American author of fantasy, young adult literature, mystery, and science fiction. Her novel Larque on the Wing won the Tiptree Award in 1994. She also received the Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America for her novels Toughing It in 1995 and Looking for Jamie Bridger in 1996. Additionally, she received the Carolyn W. Field Award from the Pennsylvania Library Association in 1999 for her novel I am Mordred. She has written more than fifty books over a career that has spanned nearly four decades.

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What Are Nancy Springer's Academic Contributions?

Nancy Springer is most known for their academic work in the field of history. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of and mathematics.

Nancy Springer has made the following academic contributions: