
Paul Boyton

Most Influential Person Across History

American stunt performer

Why Is Paul Boyton Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Paul Boyton , known as the Fearless Frogman, was a showman and adventurer some credit as having spurred worldwide interest in water sports as a hobby, particularly open-water swimming. Boyton, whose birthplace is variously listed as Dublin or Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is best known for his water stunts that captivated the world, including crossing the English Channel in a novel rubber suit that functioned similarly to a kayak. As the founder of Sea Lion Park in 1895, Boyton is also known as the originator of the first modern amusement park with a fenced-in enclosure and admission charged at the gate.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Paul Boyton?

Paul Boyton is affiliated with the following schools: