
Paul A. Lombardo

Most Influential Person Now

American legal scholar

Paul A. Lombardo's Academic­ Rankings

Paul A. Lombardo
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USA Rank
law Degrees
Paul A. Lombardo
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
history Degrees
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  • Law
  • History

Why Is Paul A. Lombardo Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Paul A. Lombardo is an American legal historian known for his work on the legacy of eugenics and sterilization in the United States. Lombardo’s foundational research corrected the historical record of the 1927 U.S. Supreme Court case of Buck v. Bell. He found Carrie Buck’s school grades and the grades of her child Vivian. He was the last person to interview her, and he discovered the pictures of all three generations of the Buck family. In 2002, he sponsored and paid for a memorial plaque that was installed in Buck’s hometown of Charlottesville, Virginia.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Paul A. Lombardo?

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