
Ruthe Blalock Jones

Most Influential Person Now

Contemporary Delaware-Shawnee-Peoria painter and printmaker from Oklahoma, educator and former director of Bacone College's department of art

Why Is Ruthe Blalock Jones Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Ruthe Blalock Jones is a Delaware-Shawnee-Peoria painter and printmaker from Oklahoma. Background Ruthe Blalock Jones was born on June 8, 1939, in Claremore, Oklahoma. Her parents are Joe and Lucy Parks Blalock. Her tribal name is Chulundit. She is enrolled with the Shawnee Tribe. Her father Joe Blalock was Shawnee/Peoria and her mother Lucy Parks Blalock was Delaware. She is a member of the Horse Clan of the Lower Band of Shawnee.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Ruthe Blalock Jones?

Ruthe Blalock Jones is affiliated with the following schools: