
Saul Steinberg

Most Influential Person Now

American cartoonist

Why Is Saul Steinberg Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Saul Steinberg was an American artist, best known for his work for The New Yorker, most notably View of the World from 9th Avenue. He described himself as "a writer who draws". Biography Steinberg was born in Râmnicu Sărat, Buzău County, Romania to a family of Jewish descent. In 1932, he entered the University of Bucharest. In 1933, he enrolled at the Polytechnic University of Milan to study architecture; he received his degree in 1940. In 1936, he began contributing cartoons to the humor newspaper Bertoldo. Two years later, the anti-Semitic racial laws promulgated by the Fascist government forced him to start seeking refuge in another country.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Saul Steinberg?

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