
Shannon N. Zenk

Most Influential Person Now

American nurse scientist

Shannon N. Zenk's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Shannon N. Zenk Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Shannon Nicole Zenk is an American nurse scientist specialized in researching social inequities and health disparities. She is director of the National Institute of Nursing Research. Education Zenk earned her bachelor’s in nursing, magna cum laude, from Illinois Wesleyan University; her master’s degrees in public health nursing and community health sciences from University of Illinois Chicago ; and her doctorate in health behavior and health education from the University of Michigan. Her predoctoral training was in psychosocial factors in mental health and illness, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. Her dissertation examined racial and socioeconomic inequities in food access in metropolitan Detroit. She completed postdoctoral training in UIC’s Institute for Health Research and Policy’s Cancer Education and Career Development Program, funded by the National Cancer Institute, in 2006.

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Shannon N. Zenk's Published Works

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