
Sofia Samatar

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Somali-American professor, editor and writer

Sofia Samatar's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Sofia Samatar Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Sofia Samatar is an American scholar, novelist and educator from Indiana. Early life Samatar was born in 1971 in northern Indiana, United States. Her father was the Somali scholar, historian and writer Said Sheikh Samatar. Her mother is a Swiss-German Mennonite from North Dakota. Sofia's parents met in 1970 in Mogadishu, Somalia, while her mother was teaching English.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Sofia Samatar?

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What Are Sofia Samatar's Academic Contributions?

Sofia Samatar is most known for their academic work in the field of literature. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Sofia Samatar has made the following academic contributions: