
Tommy Franks

Most Influential Person Now

United States Army general

Why Is Tommy Franks Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Tommy Ray Franks is a retired United States Army general. His last army post was as the Commander of the United States Central Command, overseeing United States military operations in a 25-country region, including the Middle East. Franks succeeded General Anthony Zinni to this position on 6 July 2000 and served until his retirement on 7 July 2003. Franks was the United States general leading the attack on the Taliban in Afghanistan in response to the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon in 2001. He also oversaw the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Tommy Franks?

Tommy Franks is affiliated with the following schools: