
David Ben-Gurion

Most Influential Person Across History

Israeli politician, Zionist leader, prime minister of Israel

Why Is David Ben-Gurion Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, David Ben-Gurion was the primary national founder of the State of Israel as well as the state's first prime minister. Born in Płońsk, then part of Congress Poland, to Polish Jewish parents, he immigrated to the Palestine region of the Ottoman Empire in 1906. Adopting the name of Ben-Gurion in 1909, he rose to become the preeminent leader of the Jewish community in British-ruled Mandatory Palestine from 1935 until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, which he led until 1963 with a short break in 1954–55.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With David Ben-Gurion?

David Ben-Gurion is affiliated with the following schools: