
Diane Duane

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American author

Why Is Diane Duane Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Diane Duane is an American science fiction and fantasy author, long based in Ireland. Her works include the Young Wizards young adult fantasy series and the Rihannsu Star Trek novels. Biography Born in New York City, she grew up in Roosevelt, Long Island. After school, she studied nursing and practiced as a psychiatric nurse for two years until 1976, when she moved to California and worked as an assistant to David Gerrold. Her first novel was published by Dell Books in 1979; Gerrold wrote an "overture" to that novel, on the grounds that he'd rather be making overtures than introductions to Duane's work. She subsequently worked as a freelance writer. In 1981 she moved to Pennsylvania.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Diane Duane?

Diane Duane is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Diane Duane's Academic Contributions?

Diane Duane has made the following academic contributions: