
Joanna Constantinidis

Most Influential Person Now

Constantinidis [née Connell], Joanna , potter

Why Is Joanna Constantinidis Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Joanna Constantinidis née Connell, was an English potter and ceramic artist. Biography Constantinidis was born in York and grew up in Sheffield where she attended Ecclesfield Grammar School between 1939 and 1945 before studying painting at Sheffield Art College until 1949. At Sheffield she was introduced to ceramics and pottery making and in 1951 became a ceramics lecturer at Chelmsford Technical College, later part of the Essex Institute of Higher Education. This position, which she held until her, early, retirement in 1989, allowed Constantinidis to experiment and develop her own style and technical abilities. In time she developed innovative methods of throwing, firing and glazing pots.

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