
John Ellsworth Weis

Most Influential Person Across History

American painter

Why Is John Ellsworth Weis Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, John Ellsworth Weis was an American painter. Biography He was born in Powell County, Kentucky, moved to Higginsport, Ohio at an early age, and then moved again to Norwood, Ohio, at nine years of age. At 14 years of age, he enrolled in night classes at the Art Academy of Cincinnati, the faculty of which included Frank Duveneck , James Roy Hopkins , Lewis Henry Meakin , and Herman Henry Wessel . Weis eventually became a full-time student, and at age 22, joined the faculty. He remained on the faculty for 38 years, with the exception of a period of military service during World War I.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With John Ellsworth Weis?

John Ellsworth Weis is affiliated with the following schools: