
Lorenzo Merlino

Most Influential Person Now

Brazilian fashion designer

Why Is Lorenzo Merlino Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Lorenzo Merlino is a Brazilian fashion designer. Biography Merlino appeared on the market in the 1990s and later gained the international market as well. He started college at the Faculdade Santa Marcelina in 1991 and finished in 1994 with a collection that was recognized by the press at the time. Before that he went to the finals of the Smirnoff International Fashion Awards contest in 1993. A year after the graduation, he presented his collection in São Paulo Hilton Hotel. In 1995 went to Paris after Marie Rucki, Studio Berçot's director, invited him to study there. When he got back to Brazil, Lorenzo created his trademark that received his own name and with some others young fashion designers started Semana de Moda - Casa de Criadores, where he presented his creations from April 1997 until March 1999.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Lorenzo Merlino?

Lorenzo Merlino is affiliated with the following schools: