
Manuel Estrada Cabrera

Most Influential Person Across History

Guatemalan President

Why Is Manuel Estrada Cabrera Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Manuel José Estrada Cabrera was the President of Guatemala from 1898 to 1920. A lawyer with no military background, he was a dictator who modernised the country's industry and transportation infrastructure, but only via granting concessions to the American-owned United Fruit Company, whose influence on the government was deeply unpopular among the population. Estrada Cabrera used increasingly brutal methods to assert his authority, including armed strike-breaking, and he effectively controlled the general elections. He retained power for 22 years through controlled elections in 1904, 1910, and 1916, and was eventually removed from office when the national assembly declared him mentally incompetent, and he was jailed for corruption.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Manuel Estrada Cabrera?

Manuel Estrada Cabrera is affiliated with the following schools: