
Mike Howlett

Most Influential Person Now

Fijian musician

Why Is Mike Howlett Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Michael John Gilmour Howlett is a bass guitar player, record producer and teacher based in the United Kingdom and Australia. Career In the late 1960s, Howlett was the bassist in Sydney pop band the Affair, which included vocalist Kerrie Biddell. The group travelled to England after winning a prize in the Hoadley's Battle of the Sounds band competition. Howlett settled in London and in 1973 joined renowned British progressive rock group Gong, which had been founded by an Australian expatriate, Daevid Allen. He remained with Gong until 1977, recording several albums with them and co-writing much of their material later in this period with drummer Pierre Moerlen.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Mike Howlett?

Mike Howlett is affiliated with the following schools: