
Tom Green

Most Influential Person Now

Canadian actor and comedian

Why Is Tom Green Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Michael Thomas Green is a Canadian-American comedian, show host, actor, filmmaker, podcaster, and rapper. After pursuing stand-up comedy and music as a young adult, Green created and hosted The Tom Green Show, which aired on Canadian television and later on MTV between 1994 and 2000. The show became popular for its shock comedy, absurdist pranks and Green's manic persona, and influenced later series such as Jackass and The Eric Andre Show. Green has also appeared in the Hollywood films Road Trip , Charlie's Angels , Stealing Harvard , and Shred . Green additionally directed, co-wrote and starred in the cult film Freddy Got Fingered . He was briefly married to actress Drew Barrymore , who co-starred with him in Charlie's Angels and Freddy Got Fingered.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Tom Green?

Tom Green is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Tom Green's Academic Contributions?

Tom Green has made the following academic contributions: