
Viktor Gerashchenko

Most Influential Person Now

Russian banker

Why Is Viktor Gerashchenko Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Viktor Vladimirovich Gerashchenko , nicknamed Gerakl , was the chairman of the Soviet State bank and the Russian Central Bank during much of the Perestroika and post-Perestroika periods. Biography Viktor Gerashchenko was born in Leningrad on 21 December 1937. His father was a leading Soviet banker who ran the Financial Department of the Foreign Office in the 1940s before ending his career as deputy chairman of the State Bank. Due to his father's connections, Viktor made a brilliant career in the Soviet banking system. At the age of 28 he became director of the first Soviet bank abroad, Moscow Narodny Bank, based in London.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Viktor Gerashchenko?

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