
Orion Technical College

#17697 / #4421
Global Influence / U.S. Influence
Trade school in Davenport, Iowa

About Orion Technical College

According to Wikipedia, Orion Technical College is a private for-profit technical college in Davenport, Iowa. History Hamilton Technical College was founded in 1969 by Charles and Maryanne Hamilton as the Academy of Radio and Television in Bettendorf, IA. The first classes were held for six students around the dinner table of the Hamiltons and the first curriculum was focused on passing the Federal Communications Commission exam. Curriculum was then expanded to prepare students to become broadcasters. The first formal classes began in 1970 at 1120 State Street in Bettendorf, IA. To accommodate a growing number of students, classes were moved to a larger building on State Street. In 1978 an Electronics program was added and A.R.T acquired recognition as a Technical College specializing in Electronics Engineering Technology. The school was then renamed A.R.T. Technical College. The Electronics Engineering program offered was for an associate degree attainable in just 18 months. In 1980 the name was changed to Hamilton Technical College. From 1980-1991 there were many changes. An Aviation Maintenance Technology program was added, with classes being held at the Davenport Municipal Airport in Mt. Joy, IA. The Hamilton Institute of Business, a branch of Hamilton Tech began offering an Associate of Occupational Technology degree in Computer Information Systems. In 1990, Hamilton began the Computer-Aided Drafting program offering an Associate of Occupational Studies in 19 months. In 1991, Hamilton Technical College moved all classes to their current location at 10111 53rd St, Davenport, IA. This year the Aerotech program also ended. Also in 1991, the Medical Assisting Technology program began which earned students a diploma in just 9 months.

Orion Technical College's Online Degrees

Orion Technical College Admissions, Retention, and Graduation Information

Graduation Rate

How Much Does Orion Technical College Cost To Attend?

Tuition (in-state)
Price by Family Income
IncomeAverage Net Cost
0 - 30K$17,624
30K - 48K$18,963
48K - 75K$20,108
75K - 110K$24,155

Source: National Center for Education Statistics

How Much Do Orion Technical College Graduates Make?

If you graduate from Orion Technical College, then you can expect to earn an average of $39,100 per year. You also have a 89% chance of being employed after 10 years.

Orion Technical College's Demographics

Demographic data is for full-time, on-campus students.

Student BodyUnder-Grads

Where is Orion Technical College?

Orion Technical College is located at 3940 Elmore Ave, Davenport IA 52807

How Safe is Orion Technical College?

Davenport has a violent crime rate of less than .01% and a property crime rate of less than .01%.

What Is Orion Technical College Known For?

Orion Technical College is known for it's academic work in the following disciplines:

Orion Technical College's Top Areas of Influence With Degrees Offered

World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
medicine Degrees

Who Are Orion Technical College's Most Influential Alumni?

Who Are Orion Technical College's Most Influential Faculty?