Truman College
Truman College Featured Rankings
About Truman College
According to Wikipedia, Harry S Truman College or Truman College, formerly called Mayfair College, is a part of City Colleges of Chicago. It offers multiple 2-year associate degrees, as well as occupational training in a number of fields. Located at 1145 West Wilson Avenue in the Uptown neighborhood, the school was named in honor of Harry S. Truman, 33rd U.S. President and a proponent of public colleges and universities. Truman is the largest of the City Colleges of Chicago with a yearly enrollment of over 23,000 students, and has the largest English as a second language and GED program in Illinois.
Truman College's Online Degrees
Truman College Admissions, Retention, and Graduation Information
Graduation Rate |
23% |
How Much Does Truman College Cost To Attend?
Tuition (in-state) |
$11,520 |
How Much Do Truman College Graduates Make?
If you graduate from Truman College, then you can expect to earn an average of $34,000 per year. You also have a 79% chance of being employed after 10 years.
Truman College's Demographics
Demographic data is for full-time, on-campus students.
Student Body | Under-Grads |
7,908 | 7,908 |
Where is Truman College?
Truman College is located at 1145 W Wilson Ave., Chicago IL 60640-6063
What Is Truman College Known For?
Truman College is known for it's academic work in the following disciplines: